Re: Overunity/Energy accomplished???

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 06 Feb 1998 07:25:50 -0800

Hi Folks!

I know it is 'wrong' to be self-referential, I had written;
> So they come out with even crazier claims, or try to latch onto
> information that they can parrot as their own 'research' maybe
> putting in a twist....

and I meant to add a recent elderly lady friend of mine
had told one of her contacts and supporters that I was looking for a
position/job and that I could do his company some good. The guy left a
message on my answering machine stating this and that he'd like to
discuss something with me....sounded good, as I'm open to an honest,
above board I called him back.

He said his company had just been funded with megabucks, that they had a
very hot team and were about to break into the market in a big way. I
asked about what I could do for them and he said I could use contacts and
selling experience to promote and sell these new 'bundled' services,
where I could make $20,000 to $30,000 PER, sign me up...

Come on now, isn't that a bit ridiculous??? Just like Kilowatts to
Gigawatts...let's just work on 1 flippin watt FIRST....PoP (proof of
principle)...all else will follow....

Same with this big bucks claim, called a spam on the InterNet....but I
listened to the guy...he said soon deregulation would allow for bundling
of telephone, cable, electric, gas, satellite, internet, etc. currently
independent services into one payment per month....and that a lot of
people would be signing up for which you get a piece of each person you
sell to...sounds good....

On going out with some friends....we discussed this and they had heard of
the company 'Excel' which has been promoting this for a couple of years
and it hasn't taken off, my friends and no on they know who looked into
the scheme had any confidence in it, after all, 2-3 years later and no
one was making that kind of money....

So, my spook instinctual warning from the 20k to 30k claim made me decide
to cancel the interview.....

If it sounds TOO GOOD to be true, it probably IS....(original, eh?)...

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187