Re: Plasma Power

Kenneth Carrigan ( (no email) )
Fri, 6 Feb 1998 07:11:56 -0500

>>>I have been sold on this as a very promising technology. Seems like a
>>>gas filled tube, excited to glow, then stimulated with high intensity
>>>magnetic spikes would channel these electrons to a tap....comments?

PS Forgot to address this. Seems pulsing a magnetic field in an ionized
plasma will still not accomplish what we are aiming for - at least the
math does not allow for energy extraction. What we are looking for is a
3 dimentional vector where convection current flows on one axis, a B-Field
in another axis (static), and charge velocity or rotational velocity in the
So... if we rotate the plasma somehow... this may change things.

I do like the post where ozone gets injected into the fuel. Seems nitrous
oxide, N502, really boosts power to an engine, well ozone (0 or 03) could
add some highly needed oxygen to the fuel molecule for cleaner more
efficient burning (hotter also). Anyone want to try this? I'll make the O3
generator.... Easily made from a Mercury Vapor lamp (Hardware store)
where you shatter the outer bulb and save the inner bulb for the VUA/B
generation. Enclose the lamp in a cylinder and pass are through it...
Ozone comes out the other end.... (-:

v/r Ken Carrigan

No, I really not crasy, just eccentric!