Eagle Research and HyCO

Wed, 04 Feb 1998 22:35:04 -0600 (CST)

Hello all,
I recently purchased a number of booklets from George Wiseman, of
Eagle Research. The booklets dealt with increasing the efficiency, power of a
carburated engine. I plan on looking over the material and try working up a
device to put onto my vehicle. Has anyone else here bought his booklets and
tried his stuff, his theory seems quite sound and apperently there are many of
his units in operation. I am just wondering if anyone had any numbers I could
compare with once I get one working. I would encourage anyone to also look at
his page.


(also listed on KeelyNet) Since he has some quite interesting booklets at
prices that aren't too bad. I can't post any details on how it all works since
he really wants people to buy the booklets so he can continue his research and
I respect that but if I do get some significant results I will post the before
and after for everyone here. Specifically milage, hydrocarbon content, carbon
monoxide content and operating temperature. (since we have all those nifty
gadgets to measure that where I work!) Well if anyone has any comments or
critisisms on this subject please let me know. Thanks!

Garrett Herning