Re: Test: Is the list working? or is everyone just very quiet

Dr Jones ( )
Tue, 3 Feb 1998 19:16:36 +1300

At 21:51 2/02/98 -0800, you wrote:
>On Tue, 3 Feb 1998, Dr Jones wrote:
>> I think we should bring Perrault back. Maybe he's blunt and sometimes he
>> does jump to conclusions too quickly, but at least acknowledges when he is
>> wrong and fixes it up.
>NO WAY. :) It was bad enough when he started making wild accusations -
>I don't think anybody wants to deal with that crud again.

well perhaps some people feel that way. But he does look as if he's making
progress with his radiant energy device. and Im sure that that will
eventually make the list in some form in the near future.
>> I'm still waiting for some more ideas for the psych experiment - suggestions
>> anybody? I'm especially looking for some from Jerry.
>I must've missed this - what exactly were you looking for?
Okay. This is an opportunity to have a project done by a top scholar as part
of an honours paper. What we need is something with at least some literature
review and an experiment that can be completed within 6 months.

Possibilities along the lines of effect of prayer (not too keen on this one,
tho. Feels that the ethics of not praying for someone if/when there results
in a positive difference is not good.)

Its an opportunity to have some stuff tested in an established educational
institute. So choose good.

Dr Jones