Re: Pyramidal effects

Dan A. Davidson ( (no email) )
Mon, 02 Feb 1998 22:30:41 -0700

The details are in the book Shape Power. As soon as possible I'll have
Jerry Decker post the detailed plans. His computer was down yesterday so
when he gets back up I'll dig out the details and have them posted.

At 08:56 AM 2/2/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Dan et all,
>My computer had a catastrohic failure and lost all the emails - the
>registry could not repaired... so I'm using the 'work' computer for
>now while home pc is being repaired.
>Dan, can you post, maybe on Keelynet, a 'simple' experiment that
>we can build/replicate to show how a pyramid can be built and tested
>for weight reduction, noting all the special obsticles we must aviod
>or pay special attention to - in order to achieve some good results?
>I lost a post dealing with pulsed magnetic fields in a pyramid to
>achieve weight reduction... could you email me that post again?
>@ Thanks,
>v/r Ken Carrigan
>PS I also lost the reply's to the F_a - F_b not eqauling zero posts.
>Could I get that reply also?

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