Re: All Things Mundane...

Dan A. Davidson ( (no email) )
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 09:37:04 -0700

I have given all the equations for the nuclear forces in my new book "Shape
Power". The use of magnetic fields to break down matter has never been
verified that I know of. Once you understand what a magnetic field is you
will see why.
Dan A. Davidson

At 09:33 AM 1/25/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Alright then -- getting back on track...
>One thing that has always fascinated me is particle spin (don't groan just
>yet). Namely, what possible link does the rate of particle spin have to
>the apparent weight of the mass -- and how does this figure in with the
>known Resonance Frequencies of given objects? In short - what is their
>Hmm... and how strong would a magnetic field have to be at a given
>resonance frequency in order to cause an element to break down into it's
>component parts, and is this 'threshold value' a constant across all
>elements (and can it be augmented by external force somehow)?
>bOING! Discuss, folks! Discuss! :)

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