Re: Please stick with Technology

Bruce A. Perreault ( (no email) )
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 08:06:14 -0500

Jerry W. Decker wrote:
> Hi Alan!
> I personally wouldn't KNOWLINGLY touch or USE anything that had to rely
> on radioactive material to generate heat or power. BTW, you posted some
> excellent questions to Bruce about nu-energy.
> If it is not over-unity, then why would we ever consider it or even talk
> of it here?

Perreault writes:

Then you are just as brain-washed as most people are!
My process uses a clean nuclear process, meaning that
it does not generate neutrons when properly constructed.

> Overunity is one of the reasons I'm here, what the list was created for
> and what I'm hoping people can comprehend as one of three basic
> goals....all of which are clearly posted and which everyone is expected
> to have read prior to subscribing and to comply with.

Perreault writes:

"Over-unity" can not be achieved without a source of energy!

> I too subscribe to freenrg-l and vortex-l and find little of use to me
> there, though perhaps one in 30-50 posts has something interesting.
> Thus the creation of this list, without the arguments, the infinite
> crossposting from people who are not even on the list, the niggling about
> micro electrochemical effects, ad nauseum.
> Jerry had written;
> _> the inventor will be the FINAL ARBITER
> _>of how his/her device will be promoted, sold, whatever.

Perreault writes:

So, you are censoring FREE SPEACH?
This is "ad nauseum."

> Alan wrote;
> > Preeeeeecisely!
> > Therefore, it behooves us to discuss at least some of the pitfalls
> > of the various approaches on this list so that if one of us does
> > happen to stumble into a viable approach we will have some idea of
> > how *not* to go about marketing it.

Jerry wrote:

> So I am puzzled how you can recognize that the inventor will be the
> arbiter of how the device will be marketed, yet you continue with the
> idea that someone who'd developed such marvelous technology would give a
> flip about what any of us would say.

Perreault writes:

It is obvious what you think of me Jerry,
so you can UNSUBSCRIBE me and through me
into the trash with the rest of your garbage...

> We probably did not play a part in it financially or technology-wise
> because we are too busy discussing how to market CLAIMS, rather than
> figuring out a working device.

Perreault writes:

You mean chasing some magical energy that is in the land of OZ...
Excuse me, the land of ZPE...

> Again, if we continually argue or discuss non technology, then the device
> will never be built, so the discussion is useless. Much like a time
> paradox.

Perreault writes:

The fact is that a device HAS BEEN BUILT!