Let's work towards something that works....

Kenneth Carrigan ( (no email) )
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 07:05:16 -0500

I sure would like some constructive criticism on some theory I generated
in order to design a working Overunity device with some Power. Can
anyone provide me reasons why this theory does not hold true? I would
like to debate this technology here, as it should be... After we knock out
the do's and don'ts then I'll give a little more info as to how to
build a working device that will be optimized to produce overunity.

I, for one, do not care about keeping this technology for myself, as I just
want a working device that ALL can build - no royalities. However,
if someone improves on it - I'd sure like to know.


I think Jerry knows of a working device and maybe can provide more

This is the proper way research projects should go... theory, hypnosis,
experiment and results - then loop back around for revisions.

v/r Ken Carrigan