Re: Please stick with Technology

Alan Schneider ( )
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 07:11:58 GMT

On Sun, 25 Jan 1998 20:48:29 -0800, "Jerry W. Decker" <>

_>This entire 'topic issue' is quite a simple thing to resolve.

_>The KeelyNet-L list was setup SPECIFICALLY to discuss as much detail as
_>is possible on the topics of F/E & overunity devices, gravity control and
_>energy medicine.

_> 1) Marketing is NOT technology.
_> 2) Conspiracies/suppression of technology IS NOT technology.
_> 3) The economics of distribution and its societal impact IS NOT
_> technology.

_>If we keep defocusing our attention away from actually ACHIEVING the
_>technology, all of the above discussions are COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT,
_>since there will BE NO technology to market or impact anything.

_>Why is this point important? Because we allowed ourselves to be
_>distracted from the goal of making something that works. Such diversion
_>is a major contributing factor to why nothing ever gets done.
You do have a valid point here.

_>Ask yourself, why did I sign up here

_> To help build a working device,

_>nothing else matters at this point or in this list. Let the newsgroups
_>and other lists debate on all that mess...such arguments have gone
_>nowhere and will continue to go nowhere until there is a working device.

_>Therefore, Non-technology debates of this sort should be taken elsewhere.
<shrugs> Well, you're the boss, Jerry.

_>We will have to cross the bridge when we come to it, and even then,

_> the inventor will be the FINAL ARBITER

_>of how his/her device will be promoted, sold, whatever.

Therefore, it behooves us to discuss at least some of the pitfalls
of the various approaches on this list so that if one of us does
happen to stumble into a viable approach we will have some idea of
how *not* to go about marketing it.

_>So, let's just try to stay on track, PLEASE!!
As implied above, I feel such discussions are not as totally
off-track as you obviously do, Jerry. Sorry.

I do agree though that they use up bandwidth and hard disk space
and, by reducing the "signal to noise ratio", make the list harder
to use for those who prefer to remain totally focussed on the
official subject matter.

BTW, are you keeping list archives somewhere?
