[Fwd: Re: Finding Resonance of mass Idea!]

Dave ( gravman@netinc.ca )
Sun, 25 Jan 1998 19:30:12 +0500

Jerry W. Decker wrote:

... as you say, Dave, it could be used to find the mass resonance in a
non-contact way, thus not skewing the natural frequency.....good idea!!

Reply from Dave:

You know Jerry, it occured to me that an inexpensive IR module from a
VCR or TV that is used for the remote control receiver, should serve
a Dang useful detector/amplifier for the oscope receiver. These units
usually operate on 5 volts D.C. and already have a "gain" I.C. in them!

I am sure they have a low pass filter and negative feedback, but if you
look up the pinout if the I.C., you should be able to modify
appropriately for this purpose! Either that or start fresh with I.R.
Photo-Transistor and nice Op-Amp I.C. for wide bandwith capability.

Next step would be to place it close to and away from transmitter light,
hook em up to oscope and play!

Another dandy "Champagne taste on a beer budget" idea!
