Re: [OFF TOPIC] Economics of FE/Plan of attack!

John Berry ( )
Sat, 24 Jan 1998 22:07:25 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 25 Jan 1998, Dr Jones wrote:

> What I forgot to include was the example set by David Cowlishaw with the
> Gyroscopic Inertial Thruster. Easy to make and several people have
> replicated the work and advanced it.

Gyroscopic Inertial Thruster? Oooo... URLs, please! (I know I've read
something about this somewhere -- I've probably got some files dealing
with Cowlishaw's work SOMEWHERE, but I just forgot that I have them).

> Amen to that. But lets not forget what happening to Netscape at the moment.
> And Netscape is a big, public company.

Yes - and look what Netscape's doing to counter that -- releasing their
source code to the navigator v5. THAT's smart business. Let the users
and enthusiasts carry the software forward, modifying it to their whim,
and porting it to every platform imaginable. "Free Tech/Info/whatever"
*CAN* work if you play it smart -- Netscape is trying, and hopefully
they'll succeed (I'd hate to see Microsoft and the rest of the Evil Empire
(tm) triumph).