Re: Economics of FE

Ken ( (no email) )
Sat, 24 Jan 1998 20:51:18 -0500

Really everone, I'm frankly getting SICK 'Economics' on this list!
How about some technical talk on how we can 'tap' the eather and
get some free energy. No one has commented on using the
Free Magnetic field (B-Field) that magnets posses - get it dynamic
instead of static and suck off energy.

v/r Ken Carrigan

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, January 24, 1998 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: Economics of FE

>On Sat, 24 Jan 1998, Bruce A. Perreault wrote:
>> * However, this research is my blood and my soul, I am not like ordinary
>> folks and can not make money in conventional ways. My thoughts are at
>> least 100 years into the future. I am basically a shut in from society
>> because I can not relate to the general madness.
>> * Why should my life's research be giving away for FREE?
>> Should I be allowed to sell my services like the rest of
>> the world does?
>Your main concern should be getting the technology to the public in the
>first place! Furthermore, of course you have the right to earn profit --
>but when it comes down to it, it's a much better bet to simply release
>your technology freely and make money through alternative means as I've
>described earlier -- or use said technology to draw investors into forming
>a company, utilizing said technology on the MANUFACTURING side (where
>nobody will notice - so you can get away with just about ANYTHING). Then
>you can make all the money you want.
>It's not that I don't think anyone should make money -- I'm just putting
>my beliefs first, rather than profits first.