Re: Gravity does NOT suck

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 23 Jan 1998 21:08:55 -0800

Hi Hex!

Yes, I hesitated to put that in there, but if there is anything useful
from UFO material, we really should post it...note in the guidelines, it
says 'lights in the sky' type reports...

I forgot to mention, Meier also reported that this CCW spiral was a
result of SOUTH pole energy....

You wrote;
> Oh - incidentally, something I've always wanted to try (but don't know
> if anyone else has done it): has anyone ever built a device to convert
> heat into electricity, sample that (through a conventional
> Digital-to-Analog convertor), and then used fourier analysis to
> determine the component frequencies of the heat itself? (What better
> way to derive the resonant frequency of a mass than to examine it's
> heat signature!)

Now that is an interesting thought....I had a friend at Mostek, everyone
called him Pops...he had several degrees and was kind of fountain of
technical info there whose opinion everyone that time, I was
attending DeVry...when I would get some time, he and I would lunch
together or have a coffee...and I would spin off this stuff...he'd get a
glint in his eye, kind of amusement, probably at my gullibility...but
then he would totally surprise me and ask specific questions...if I could
answer them (and that was often) he would raise his eyebrows and fold his
hands under his chin to think about it....he would then come up with a
great observation....he was particularly fascinated with Keely (as am I
though I don't really promote him as the ONLY one), so one day I asked
him; if he wanted to determine the resonant frequency of a mass
aggregate, how would he best go about it....Pops said he would hook up a
transducer to one side of the mass and a detector (microphone if
acoustic) on the other side...then he would run through a range of
freqeuncies, sending them into the transducer, to pass through the mass
and be detected by the sensor/pickup....he said he would put both of
those signals on a dual trace scope and watch the two frequencies on the

As you gradually vary the frequency to stimulate the mass, you are
looking for when your sensor signal amplitude becomes equal to the input
signal amplitude, that would indicate they were in phase and thus
resonant. The only glitch...Keely claimed that his instruments were so
sensitive as to detect changes in mass frequency simply by being near
them (possibly capacitive coupling like a theremin?) and so any attached
transducer or sensor might alter the true natural resonant frequency.
But this could be compensated for, and would at least let you get well
within the ballpark of the actual resonant frequency...seeya!

--                Jerry W. Decker   /    /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741    /   FAX :  (214) 324-8741   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187