January 98 Roundtable Notes (Part 1)

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 03:08:57 -0800

Hi Folks!

Some interesting items from the January 1998 Vanguard Sciences Roundtable
and general discussions.

I took a copy of the TLC video that showed how the military was working
on a means of camoflauge that could lead to a crude form of invisibility.
Coincidentally enough (and completely unplanned), a fellow brought a
glass of water with what appeared to be a string with a loop on the end
hanging down in the water...this string was attached to the cap and when
you lifted the cap, the string came up revealing what looked like a clear
icecube...it was a kind of polymer that had the same refractory index as
the water, thus making it invisible when wet....isn't that a hoot??

What was so intriguing, just as you can use phase conjugation principles
to cancel irritating sounds, then project your own acoustic environment
as described 'by making a Volkswagon sound like a Ferrari'....so too can
you pass light around an object to make it invisible, then intentionally
project a 'false image' of whatever creature or object that would fit
within the invisibility device envelope....talk about the perfect

I overheard one of the guys explaining that if gravity was a frequency,
you could phase cancel it to make it weightless!!! He later came up to
me and asked if I knew where that frequency might be written up...I
responded with several books, but the one which absolutely claims it, is
Joseph Cater's 'Awesome Life Force', where he says gravity is a frequency
that is in the upper infrared right before it becomes visible
light...(I'll have to dig out that quote).

We also watched the short clip about Richard Hull and Peter Graneaus
experiments with exploding water, quite amazing to see it on TV like
that, such a great article on their research appeared in the Electric
Spacecraft Journal a couple of years ago...water arc experiments...very
detailed material...

Also on the tape, in an interview of physicist Bob Forward, he showed how
electrified plates would use the 'Casimir' force that would be attracted
to each other by the 'vacuum' of space....what is so hilarious about
this, formal physics will use such terms but totally avoid the opposite
side of of the coin, that is, what is the opposite of vacuum? Pressure,
perhaps? So that means the universe is indeed PRESSURIZED, can you say
Push Gravity? We are literally held together by this pressure and held
to the earth by this incoming pressure...so divert it from above us and
we lose weight....

Earlier in the evening, a fellow said that he was told by a friend that
within the last couple of weeks, 3 rooms had been opened beneath the
Sphinx in Egypt...and that a small city was believed to be under it.
He also said this has not yet made the press.

I asked about an email from a friend in Seattle, commenting that GE had
developed an electric generator with a 1:4 o/u efficiency and would
shortly make an announcement about it....he heard it from Walter
Rosenthat who heard it from a fellow named Bob Choo(?) Does anyone know
anything about this here??? No one did at the meeting either..

--                Jerry W. Decker   /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com    /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741    /   FAX :  (214) 324-8741   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187