Re: How about some discussions?

Bob Paddock ( )
Wed, 21 Jan 1998 18:48:06 -0500

>A friend told me he knew a lady whose ex-father-inlaw in Brazil owned a
>multistory apartment building....the family (inlaws) lived on the
>penthouse top friend said the lady told him when she and her
>husband were married, they all lived with the family in that
>penthouse...that every few days the lights would dim in the apartment.
>When this happened, she or someone in the family had to go to the base of
>the apartment building and spray water around this cable that reached
>from the penthouse floor to a spike buried deep in the ground...when the
>water was added, the lights regained their brightness and would stay that
>way for several days....

Most likely they simply had a bound ground connection and
poorly bonded neutral line.

>I think the voltage is supposed to increase by 300 volts for every foot
>you ascend....

In absolute value, but it is a negative potential, ie: you
gain -300V.

In trying to tap into this with these antennas systems, make
sure your not setting your self up to attract lightning.
Nothing more annoying in Free Energy than ending up with an
embarrassing excess of energy in a few milliseconds, tends to
go BOOM.

-- For information on any of the following check out my WEB site at:          Free Air Conditioning/No CFC's, Chronic Pain Relief, Electromedicine,Electronics, Explore!, Free Energy, Full Disclosure, KeelyNet, Matric Limited,Neurophone, Oil City PA, Philadelphia Experiment.