Re: Tapping the Casimir force - for the Inventor

Mary and Rob ( )
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 21:52:13 -0500

Hi all,

I am new to the list and so have no standing, reputation, or credibility.
By way of introduction, I have contemplated these matters for more than two
decades now, and although I've been mostly involved in studies and
meditations, I work as an electrical engineer, and have a some sense for
how a free energy device might work.

Reading the story of this inventor:

>Only my method does not spin a disk, it produces electricity! As I draw
>a load off of this perpindicular vortice that I have discovered, nature
>replaces it, (for balance?) and the result is that I can draw many
>kilowatts of electricity from a very small device, virtually forever!
>(everything breaks eventually)

and the comments by Jerry, I also sense the possibility of truth in what he
says. Having imagined what I would do in such a circumstance, let me humbly
offer these thoughts:

1) "Free" energy has a source. Whereas a person should be justly
compensated for their efforts, other factors come into play at historical
times like these. Throughout history, one technology has arisen at the
expense of the predominant preceding technology; The new technology quite
often arises as a result of the demise (or decentralization) of a
centralized system. I wish I could remember the title of the book in which
this thesis was put forth, but some concrete examples were given; as we
have progressed, for example, from sail to steam, and from steam to
internal combustion. It was stated that these progressions have taken place
simultaniously on several levels; technological, socialogical, and
philosophical. This may be such a time for changes on several levels.

2) This is up for debate, but the Y2K computer problem may have a strong
decentralizing effect on the current world wide economic system. The time
could be right for decentralized electrical power to be made available. A
ready and eager market may open up if the existing dependence on fossil
fuels suffers another rude shock. At any rate, the transition to New Energy
will take place at some point. There would appear to be a finite supply of
fossil fuels, not to mention the deleterious affects that they have on the

3) Personally, I would currently assume that such advanced technology may
be deemed in the "National Interest". Although applying for a patent would
seem like a logical choice for an inventor, the possibility that the
invention might be confiscated, and made "secret" still exists. Therefore,
making the invention widely available, so that the possibility of it being
ignored or kept secret is minimized, might be the most noble course; for
the benefit of humanity as a whole.

Whereas it might be difficult to fully capitalize on it for ones own gain,
the possibility of doing so following the traditional course is also in
question. Jerry's ideas on "shareware" may have some value here. Remember
that J.P.Morgan pulled the funding on Tesla's earth transmission system,
because there was no way to bill customers for it. There will be no way to
continuously bill customers for this technology once the initial capital
investment has been made. If you try to control it by being a single point
source of supply, it will be much easier to suppress the distribution of
this invention.

4) Through prayers and meditations, such insights and inspirations as have
occurred to me, I cannot ascribe to my own brilliance, simply to a strong
desire to know (knock and the door shall be opened). You may not be
spiritually inclined, but a prayer for quidance on this matter may have
some benefit.

Best of good fortune in your endeavors.
