Re: quantum interactions as time warps?

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Sun, 25 Apr 1999 16:37:35 +1200

At 00:06 24/04/99 -0400, you wrote:
>from :
>Paradox lost
It is quite obvious that scientists when experimenting and measuring are in
many ways reminded that human consciousness (The Organiser) stands in
between matter and and antimatter. Many of their experiments will only work
for one person after which others can hook in so to speak. We (the
organisers)collectively are the creators of time because without time
matter can not come into existance.
As part of and partakers of the time creation, your paradox may feel to be
lost but in fact before long will be found in it's true form after which
time will become so flexible that each and every one of us can please
themselves where and how to exist. I am reminded of some of Robert Munro's
experiences and my own for that matter where whole life experiences can be
contained in a couple of seconds.
However as long as universities are funded by the tax payers, theories will
pop up for ever to justify existance and comfortable chairs. A bit like
lots of hot air and nothing concrete to show for it.

