Re: Vedics & Vimanas -Reply

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Sun, 25 Apr 1999 10:06:11 +1200

At 08:07 23/04/99 -0600, you wrote:

To Tom and all,

Mercury does have peculiar properties.
When you boil it to 632 degrees fahrenheit, it becomes only double its
volume so the pressure is not very high. when you boil it, it only needs 36
degrees fall in temperature to condense back into it's liquid form thereby
creating a vacuum and cold. If you heat it beyond that, it becomes
extremely volatile and capable of tremendous current production. It was
used in the 20's experimentally to drive turbines but was unmanageable at
the time with regards to sealing problems. Don't ask me where to find this
information, The memory is not that good !!
It has an abundance of loose electrons.
If you have a container full and stirr it, sparks can be seen inside the
The mercury steam is extremely poisonous as when inhaled will never leave
the system. They used to treat syphilis with it in the old days.
It is easy to obtain from the ore or can be collected in vulcanic areas as
it actually bubbles out of the ground at certain times.
I have figured out how the vimana engine works but my scanner has gone on
the blink and cannot afford another one but would love for someone to
manufacture it as I am sure it will provide the answer to almost free
energy production without the need for massive generators.

My next experiment is to make a disk filled with mercury and spin it at
great speed as I think this will enable me to pick electrons of the edge
and redirect them to the centre via a load. I have a fair quantity of
mercury left over from my vimana experiment which failed because of lack of
Unfortunately, one's family takes all material posessions or accumulation
ahead of fancy experimentation.
It is an unfortunate fact that those with large amounts of money are only
interested in making more money and that means of course that the real
worth while experimentation will never receive the finance needed because
of the requirement of 10% or better return which can only be reached AFTER
the experiments have proved to work.
The Government agencies only work for those with economic clout and
economic clout demands total dependence of the masses on the hand out by
So come up with a solution as to provide finance to someone or some
organisation of interested people and no doubt we'll see the long sought
after answer.

Bye for now.
