learning to become ambidextrous?

Steve ( steve@primeline.net )
Tue, 20 Apr 1999 00:14:38 -0400

Hi all,

this might be off topic, and if it is, please respond privately.

Does anyone know any web pages regarding learning to become
ambidextrous? A friend of mine suggested putting my mouse on
the opposite side of the keyboard, and it seems to be helping
a bit.

Has anyone experimented with pulsing magnetic fields into the brain,
or even being exposed to blinking lights, to enhance learning?
one of my favorite KeelyNet files mentions the "krell helmet",
I'm wondering if something similar to this could be adapted to
accelerate the rate at which you learn things. Just some thoughts.


p.s. I seem to be making many more typos than usual since I started
this a couple days ago.. I wonder if in learning how to use my left
hand, I'm forgetting how to use my right hand..?? <g>

--      steve@primeline.net | ICQ: 5113616    Digital Fusion: http://www.darknet.net/fusion