Re: George de la Waar

Steve Meeker ( )
Sun, 18 Apr 1999 19:50:15 -0700

i have seen and used some of his devices. they are radionics type
machines, and heavily based on "pattern" as in the circuits and
knobs/operating systems. they were to be a physical extension of the
operators mental powers. they operated intermittently as one would
expect[based on different operators] with some better than others. you
couldnt really count on them to work at any time because they are human
based and mood/attention/tiredness all were factors in success. these
are currently labeled as quackery and illegal for use by professionals
as you would expect also. there are a couple of books on radionic
devices that explain these, but no diagrams.
one of the devices i have not seen discussed here is the Hironymus
machine, which has a patent for being able to detect minerals or mineral
types in an ore. this is a true radionics machine that got past the
feds. the schematic of this device is one of the basic radionics
patterns and can be used to make any other device of this type. these
are NOT as pattern based as the de la waar items, but workthe same-a
physical extension of a mental excersize, like a lens focusing energy.

James Bland wrote:
> Does ANYBODY know of George de la Waar and his psychotronic devices?
> "He invented strange devices, called his 'black boxes' by which he claimed
> to be able to diagnose the diseases of a person anywhere in the world using
> only a drop of that persons blood.
> He also claimed to be able to treat the disease of a person anywhere in
> the world simply by putting the persons blood spot in his machine.
> Moreover, he said that he had a camera which photographed objects
> anywhere in the world.
> ....and a peak into one of his boxes......inside was an insane jungle of
> wires, rubber bands, and a bar magnet. There was no power source- no battery
> or plug in."
> De la Waar: 'You see , my devices are merely mechanical extensions of the
> operator's mental perceptions, as the telescope and microscope are
> extensions of his visual perceptions'
> By the way, Ill have a site up in the next 14-20 days.
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-- Stephen Meeker, Dipl.Ac, L.Ac.,FAAPMBoard certified in Acupuncture [NCCA]Fellow of the Am. Academy of Pain ManagenmentHollywood Clinic and Van Gogh InstitutePortland, Oregonhttp://www.eardoc.com503/281-3835 voice503/281-1328 fax