Re: The Gravitational Spider effect.

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Mon, 19 Apr 1999 22:54:35 +1200

At 04:09 18/04/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Folks!
>Some comments about how the gravitational spider acts as a gravity
>It fits so perfectly with so many other reports, from nuns and saints

Hallo Jerry and all,

I really enjoy your writings, I always claim to have a brain like a sewer.
all sorts of stuff goes in to end up like manure, a most nutricious
commodity to feed the hungry millions.
Let's hope that before I snuff it can produce some manure to help us all.
I also enjoy observing that we are starting to think simple and direct.
The old Brahman's religion, my favorate has had the answer all along just
as you state in your posting a vacuous point is not only the foundation of
the universe, it is the total extent of it's existance, the rest is only
the expression of the wish to be. Those that wish with total concentration
can move mountains.

Good night from here,