Light produced Mechanical Motion?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 17 Apr 1999 04:53:52 -0500

Hi Folks!

The following was sent by Patrick Padrak of the INE website, it
describes new claim of being able to tap into light to produce
mechanical motion;

by Anatoly Sukhodolsky []



The purpose of the book is to make an introduction into thermodynamics
of direct optical radiation conversion into mechanical power and the
problem of self-organization of heat cycles.

While the classical reversible thermodynamics has the heat as motive
power to build master equation dE=TdS-pdV and to describe artificial
constructions (heat ngines) on concept of equilibrium entropy of
Clausius dS=dQ/T, the major goal of "Light Thermodynamics" is to make
an step-by-step introduction into the problem of motive power of the
light dL to be included into non-equilibrium master equation to generate
mechanical power, which occurs by itself.

The basis is the non-equilibrium entropy of Planck dS=dL/T0-dE/T to
solve the problem of motion in thermodynamics powered by light and the
maximum of energy available for conversion into mechanical energy that
is necessary to describe the new physical phenomena and to design the
new solar heat engines.

The "Light Thermodynamics" has an threefold subject: a) to involve
light as a motive power into thermodynamics, b) to throw more light on
the problems of classical thermodynamics, c) to be more light in
understanding of the major thermodynamic laws for both spontaneous
physical phenomena and cycles of artificial heat engines.

a) The equilibrium radiation thermodynamics is based on model of cavity
radiation maintained by temperature equals walls that provides us by a
solution to radiation pressure of light. The first objective of book is
to make introduction into thermodynamics of light with black-body
temperatures ( for example 5700K for solar light) much higher that
temperature of matter (say, room temperature, 300K) to generate motive
forces in many degree of magnitude greater than forces of radiation
pressure in equilibrium radiation thermodynamics

b) The classical thermodynamics of a reversible work substance will be
a part of thermodynamics of renewable cycles. The solving of concrete
problems of motion with entropy of Clausius for reversible work
substance together with evolution of non-equilibrium entropy of Planck
will help to study more about difference between variational
principles of reversible cycles for the problem of maximum available
heat and the actual motion to the problem of maximum light available
for conversion.

c) The book is planed to be light for both a physicist and an

The several phenomena of heat cycle self-organization within the firstly
observed phenomena will be proposed in design of new engineering
constructions. The chapters of self-organization of natural phenomena by
light and the artificial constructions solar engines considered in
parallel will help to better understand traditional classical concept of
reversible cycles and the proposed approach of renewable thermodynamics.


A special problem that will be solved within "Light thermodynamics" is
the problem of motion to describe thermal phenomena powered by light to
create mechanical energy. This problem is the fundamentals for
efficiency of conversion formulated for the natural physical phenomena.
There is gigantic gap between engineering origin of classical
thermodynamics and the global conclusion that is sometime made from
classical thermodynamics that according Gibbs is not authorized to
describe motion at all. The aim of "Light thermodynamics" will be to
also bit diminish this distance by introduction of a motion concept
based on well-known entropy of Planck that appeared to be supposed now
to describe the several new phenomena of self-organization powered by
light and dramatic high power of motive forces.

The book will be accompanied by MathCad solution for many concrete
problems to better understand the main scope of proposed approach and to
compare the concept of renewable thermodynamics with classical
thermodynamics of reversible cycles. Besides, the problem of actual
efficiency that is solved in applied renewable thermodynamics by a
master equation having both thermal and mechanical degrees of freedom
can be useful in engineering evaluation of any engineering cycles.


Curriculum vitae

1991 Dr.Sc. Laser Physics General Phys. Institute Moscow, Russia
1979 Ph.D. Nonlinear Spectroscopy Lebedev Phys. Institute Moscow,
1974 M.S Nonlinear Optics Kiev State University,
1966 B.S. Machining Tool Mechanical engineering School ,
Berditchev, Ukraine

Professional appointments:

1993-pr.time Leading Research Scientist General Phys.Institute,
1992-1993 Visiting Research Scientist CORIA INSA, Rouen
1992-1992 Short-Term Visitor Smithsonian
Institution,Washington (USA)
1991-1992 Leading Research Scientist General Phys.Institute,
1987-1991 Senior Research Scientist General
Phys.Institute, Moscow
1979-1987 Junior Research Scientist Lebedev
Phys.Institute ,Moscow
1976-1979 Engineer Lebedev
Phys.Institute ,Moscow

Honors and awards:

1990 Award of IOFAN in competition for set of works: "Interaction of
laser radiation with absorbing liquids" General Physics Institute
1979 Award of FIAN in competition of junior scientists for works:
"Coherent Antistokes Raman scattering in crystals" Lebedev Institute
1974 Red diploma, (Best of all round students ) Kiev State
1969 Red diploma (Best of all round students) Engineering

Teaching experience:

Lecturing (part time job):
1984-85 Laser equipments and optical devices MIP,Moscow)
1986-87 General physics II Medical Institute
Post&Graduate students:
Advisor Theses on 2 PhD on Laser physics (General Physics Institute )
3MSc Non-linear spectroscopy (MFTI)

Publications: more 80 papers 6 patents.


The book is being written by a person specialized in laser physics who
have discovered several new phenomena of self-organization that can not
be explained from position of classical thermodynamics. A new approach
in thermodynamics to describe high motive forces of light is expected
to be interesting for wide audience. I general, thermodynamics is a
rather specific field of science that can be considered as a philosophy
of research to joint different spheres of studies.

There is the basic problem of any approach in thermodynamics to answer
question: how to unit the self-organization of Life in Nature and the
concept of Second Law of thermodynamics. Of course, the book will be not
able to solve the problem in full volume, but any curious reader will be
able to hope to find between pages of this book concrete logic supported
by mathematical calculations to state the problem how to unit
one-directed motion and the idea of self-organization. The entropy of
light as a main motive power for Life at Earth is considered from
beginning of the book on strong mathematical level.

The book will have both the general problems of thermodynamics and the
solving different concrete problems useful for education. For the people
working in education the book expected to be useful in fundamentals of
both classical thermodynamics and thermodynamics of renewable cycles
powered by light.

The people working in engineering will be able to find several new
solutions to use renewable energy of solar light as the promotion laser
effects into sphere of new self-organized solar technologies.

Sunlight instead of laser radiation will occupy visible part of light
thermodynamics with the several engineering renewable cycles to be
interesting for people working in solar power engineering.


The book will be something average between manuscript to describe the
original experiments and text-book on thermodynamics. The classical
thermodynamics written from position of laser physics seems to be a
first experiments to build a joint concept for basic features of light
as a motive power in thermodynamics.

The unique features of "Light thermodynamics " can be pointed out as:

1. The problem of motion in non-equilibrium thermodynamics is solved by
involving non-equilibrium entropy of Planck, involving into
thermodynamic studies right from origin to treat Carnot principle
assumed to be valid for physical phenomena of self-organization [1].

2. While the irreversible thermodynamics of dissipative structures
postulates only entropy production, "Light Thermodynamics" has the basic
equations for both: entropy consumption and entropy productions as both
actual entities to describe any motion powered by light [2].

3. While the equilibrium thermodynamics has no mechanical energy under
consideration "Light Thermodynamics" is to describe creation of motive
forces by interaction of light with matter within a master equation that
units thermal and mechanical properties [3].

The books that come closest:

1. Haken H. Synergetics , An Introduction 3rd, edn, Berlin Springer,

2. Prigogine I., Introduction to thermodynamics of irreversible
processes, Interscience Publishers}, York, London, 1961

3. C.Truesdell, Six Lextures on Modern Natural Philosophy
Springer-Verlag Berlin 1966


This is the first book on thermodynamics to solve the problem of motion
and creation of motive forces by light on a basic concept of competition
between the consumption and the production of entropy to be both the
actual attributes of any natural phenomena of self-organization matter
in Nature and a key point in new solar energy design.


How can you help us get the word out about your book?

1) To promote book "Light Thermodynamics" in case it is published along
with standard methods can be used a great features of networking in
Internet. In particular, a new discussion forum

is already created to attract attention of prospective customer between
academic stuff , engineering and students.

2) A scenario of a movie for ""Discovery Channel" is being written to
attract attention of world-wide audience for created phenomena of
self-organization in context of motive power of Sun in Nature .

Do you speak to groups, hold seminars or workshops? How frequently do
you speak, to which groups, to what size audiences?


Below is a list of coming and past international meetings:

Sukhodolsky A.T. On Motive Power Of Solar Light In Applied Renewable
Thermodynamics IECEC-99 #91 August 1-5, 1999, Vancouver, British
Columbia (accepted, in press)

Sukhodolsky A.T. Solar Vibration Vehicle paper #51, for 1999 Future
Transportation Technology Conference, August 17-19,Costa Mesta,USA
(accepted, in press)

Sukhodolsky A.T An Introduction into renewable thermodynamics of light
for direct solar energy conversion, paper #0148, ISES SOLAR WORLD
CONGRESS, Jerusalem,Israel, July 4-9,1999 (accepted, in Press)

Sukhodolsky A.T. An introduction to thermodynamics of renewable cycles
for direct solar energy conversion IECEC-98-318 33rd Intersociety
Engineering Conference on Energy Conversion Colorado Springs, CO, August
2-6, 1998 1.

Sukhodolsky A.T. Thermo-hydraulic actuator as a new way for conversion
of solar energy in space IECEC-98-390 33rd Intersociety Engineering
Conference on Energy Conversion Colorado Springs, CO, August 2-6, 1998
Sukhodolsky A.T. The self organization of heat cycles by capillary
convection for extraction of water from a binary solution IECEC-98-391
33rd Intersociety Engineering Conference on Energy Conversion Colorado
Springs, CO, August 2-6, 1998 Sukhodolsky A.T. Thermodynamics of
vibrations induced by continuous light in liquids, Proceedings of 5
International congress on sound and vibrations, 15-18 December
1997,Adelaide, Australia Sukhodolsky A.T. (1977)

Opto-hydraulic laser as a now technology in vibration engineering
Proceedings of 5 International congress on sound and vibrations 15-17
December 1997, Adelaide, Australia..

Sukhodolsky A.T. Instabilities, mass-transfer and self-organisation of
heat cycles by interaction of laser radiation with liquids, In book
"Instabilities in Multiphase Flows " Ed. G.Gouesbet A.Berlemot, Plenum
Press, New York and London,1992

Do you have media contacts?

Yes, In particular, a popular movie on phenomenon of "telkinesis" of
bodies by continuous light was shown within a Sovet Union video Journal
"Science and Engineering" in 1990. The similar scenario can be planed
for "Discovery Channel" to help in promotion of motive forces concept by
self-organization of matter powered by light.




Motion in thermodynamics
Energy Work Heat Light
Entropy Clausius and Planck
Reversible and renewable cycles
Theorem of Carnot for reversible and renewable cycles
Self-organization of renewable cycles in Nature

Motive forces of light
Direct production of mechanical energy
Principle of self-organization of heat cycles
Model of opto-hydraulic laser
Motive forces for liquid extraction of water
Solar light as a motive power

The applied renewable thermodynamics
Master equation
Thermal and actual efficiency of solar engines
Renewable cycles of non-equilibrium heat engine
Open renewable cycle of Carnot
Solar vibration vehicle


The context of book will be divided by three main parts:

1.Motion in thermodynamics is to make an introduction into
thermodynamics and to compare the classical approach of reversible
cycles and the proposed concept of renewable cycles based on Clausius
and Planck entropy, correspondingly.

2.Motive forces of light is to describe the phenomena of
self-organization of heat cycles within the new experimental facts and
the theoretical models that proposed to explain these facts.

3.The applied renewable thermodynamics is to evaluate how to use the
self-organization observed by non-equilibrium phase transitions of first
order powered by continuous wave laser radiation in design of new solar
energy engines.


The samples of material that will fill the book can be found by links:

for 1) PART 1 at

for 2) PART 2 and PART 3

for 3) CONTENTS of


How many pages (double-spaced manuscript pages) do you expect it to be?

About 500

How many figures (line drawings), photos, charts, tables, or graphs will
it include?

About 100

When do you expect to finish writing the book?

As the all materials (including math and figures) are in LaTex,-
MSWord-, MathCad- electronic form, in case the proposal is approved,
the book can be planned to release up to the end of current year.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187