Re: H. P. Lovecraft on the existence of aether

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Thu, 15 Apr 1999 20:37:38 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Folks!

Noticed there wasn't a clear description of the
Lorentz Contraction so check this out;

Length Contraction

"One of the major effects of special relativity is
length, or Lorentz, contraction. There are two ways to
view length contraction. One is that if you are
travelling at a velocity comparable to the speed of
light and you pass a stationary object, that object
will appear shorter to you. On the other hand, if you
are an observer on the stationary object, the ship
passing by will appear to be shorter. This length
contraction only applies to the direction of motion.
If the stationary shape of the ship was a cube, it
would appear to be a vertical rectangular solid if
observed from rest."

"These values not only apply to physical objects, but
to distances in space also. If you were on board a
ship travelling as fast as the above proton, you could
traverse the length of the solar system, and you would
only see yourself travelling 37 meters."

"It is widely believed that it is impossible to travel
at or above the speed of light. There is no 'what
would happen if' because, according to most scientists
there simply is no 'if'. The speculations are rather
intriguing, however. "

"Some believe that travel at this speed would open a
door to a new dimension, or an alternate universe.
Some believe our physics would not be valid in these
new dimensions. These are all, of course, just
speculations as to what may happen if there ever is an
'if'. "

"Let is examine why, according to special relativity,
travel at or near the speed of light is impossible. If
we look at the length equation above and set v=c, we
would not see the passing object at all. Or,
conversely, the object would be able to traverse an
infinite distance and not perceive himself moving. Or,
if you move the radical term to the other side of the
equation to try to determine the actual length from
the perceived length, you would try to divide by zero.
If you travel at a speed v>c, then the value inside
the radical is negative, and it would result in an
imaginary length."

" This is obviously not physically possible with what
we understand about physics and matter."
The primary reason given above as to WHY we cannot go
at or faster than the speed of light is because we
would experience infinite length due to the Lorentz
contaction on an x,y axis.

As I understand this, with the Ivanov contraction, the
mass being accelerated would appear to contract
EQUALLY on all three axis, x,y, and z, rather than
simply on the x.y axis of the Lorentz contraction.
A rocketship demo showing the viewpoint from the
ROCKET and from the SPACESTATION if the rocket is
moving at just 87% the speed of light;
Relativity and how aether was deemed unnecessary;

It seemed for a time that the ETHER, an elastic medium
thought to be present throughout space, would provide
a method for the measurement of absolute motion, but
certain experiments in the late 19th cent. gave
results unexplained by or contradicting Newtonian

Notable among these were the attempts of A. A.
Michelson and E. W. Morley (1887) to measure the
velocity of the earth through the supposed ether as
one might measure the speed of a ship through the sea.

The null result of this measurement caused great
confusion among physicists, who made various
unsuccessful attempts to explain the result within the
context of classical theory. The validity of concepts
of absolute and independent time and space was
challenged by H. A. Lorentz and others.

Since absolute motion cannot be confirmed by objective
measurement, Einstein suggested that it be discarded
from physical reasoning; he explained the experimental
results by means of the special relativity theory,
which he enunciated in 1905. This theory accepts the
hypothesis that the laws of nature are the same in
different moving systems applies also to the
propagation of light, so that the measured speed of
light is constant for all observers regardless of the
motion of the observer or of the source of the light.
Einstein deduced from these hypotheses the full
logical consequences and reformulated the mathematical
equations of physics, basing them in part on equations
of H. A. Lorentz (search LORENTZ CONTRACTION) by which
measurements made in one uniformly moving system can
be correlated with measurements in another system if
the velocity of one relative to the other is known.

The theory resolves the conflict between Newton's
mechanics and Maxwell's electrodynamics by introducing
fundamental changes in Newton's theory.
Dan Davidson doesn't place much stock in Ivanovs paper
saying that the Lorentz contraction was
DISPROVED...but I've not been able to find anything
that reports this. Does anyone know about it?

I looked and found this (which is NOT from any formal
institution representative of current thought or
discovery but is a private page representing the views
of the page owner!!);

If the scienctific establishment defines relativistic
motion as a continuous motion that cannot exceed the
velocity of light, and then admits at the same time
that there is such a thing as non-relativisitic
motion, it is evident that scientists are confused on
the nature of motion.

The answer of course is that there is no such thing as
a contraction.

The Lorentz-Fitzgerald Contraction was formulated in
order to explain the Michelson- Morely experiment in
terms of motion continuity; that is, before we knew
motion was discontinuous.

If an object perceivably exceeds the velocity of light
it means that it did not disappear, and it means also
that the contraction equation is purely imaginary and
has no basis in physical reality.

Finally, it means that Einstein's Theory of Relativity
is also purely imaginary, since it is based on the
contraction principle.

The real reason for the effect of the Michelson-Morely
experiment was much simpler and much more perceivable
than the explanation offered by the Lorentz-Fitzgerald

This effect was obtained because light travels during
the stops of the earth, and not during the steps or
instantaneous displacements, for there is no time in
which to travel in instantaneity. The effect was then
produced because, relatively to light, the earth is
always standing still.

The ether that Michelson and Morely were trying to
discover really does exist, but not in the way it had
been imagined. This ether is not an inert gaseous
substance, but the very energy photons that permeate
all cosmic space.

Far from being inert, they are the source of all power
and the cause of all displacements. They do not slip
past the earth, but a huge concentration of them form
the magnetic field of the earth and of all magnetic
bodies. They also form the gravitational field of all
cosmic bodies. No such body can slip by its own
magnetic or gravitational field.


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