Re: "Time Distortion" and Light

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Thu, 15 Apr 1999 20:39:24 +1200

At 21:25 13/04/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Say that I were to construct a device that created an "energy field" that
>slowed time. Anything within this field would experience slowed time
>(relative to the surroundings -- assuming time is experienced relatively).
Hello Paul and all!!

You don't know what you are talking about? Of course you do !!, the only
thing that is wrong is what they taught us !!
Time does not exist outside of our continuum which is dependent on OUR SUN
and it's rate of vibration.
The speed of light, is not a constant !! does not go in a straight line !
and is not something that is inviolate.
Even Einstein proved that light rays get bent when passing strong magnetic
fields and you cannot tell me that a light ray that travelled 50 billion
light years to get here was not deflected along the way. What about the
magnetic field generated by the millions of galaxies it has to pass.
All observations and measurements set up by our scientific community are
solely to prove theories, (their bread and butter) for which Johnny Citizen
foots the bill.
There are people that have trained themselves to travel anywhere in the
universe and never leave the place where they sit. You cannot do that if
time was a reality everywhere.
You cannot foresee the future or the past if time was inviolate and the
speed of light constant throughout the universe.
I read some where that some E.T.'s travel here in a couple of days to
traverse 50 million light years. We can say bullshit but we get the same
reports from all over the world and what is the purpose of telling lies ?
Does 50 million sound better then 5 million ??
It is quite obvious that if you wish to traverse space as we know it, the
moment we go beyond the sphere of influence of our sun, conditions change.
Is it not possible that the faintest galaxies are faint because light has
lost so much energy along the way that it hard to pick up.??
Stand at an echo cliff and give a shout. Your hear the echo's getting
fainter and fainter because the sound by traveling looses some of it's
energy heating up the air and till the last faint sound the echo is clear
and you understand the word or shout. I venture to say that if you were to
use a very sensitive amplifier, you would hear the echo perhaps for hours.
Now some people foretell the future but there is a book called I think
The author has analysed all prophets from biblical time to modern and where
possible checked the accuracy and validity of same.
Statistically, 80 percent is nonsense and 20 % is not accurate but in the
realm of possibility i.e. some facets came true but other bits hanging on
did not gel.
Your assertion that a time traveller would see other people's future or
past depending on where it travelled seems to be true in one sense. E.T's
do issue warnings sometime but not very many come true. I would hazard a
guess and accept that what they saw was real in their eyes but their eyes
are also connected to a specific being with it's own interpretation of what
it THINK"S it sees, not necessarily WHAT it sees.
I have enough experience mucking around with realms outside our normal way
of life to be convinced that we live in a make believe situation where
every citizen on this world sees, hears and experiences situations very
similar but their individual interpretation never the same.
You tell me what joy God would have if our 5 billion inhabitants all
saw,heard,felt and experienced identical !! I for one know, I am a remote
viewer for someone else and this feeling gets so strong at times that I
stand outside of myself and observe people and situations from some 100
feet up, to after awhile return to normal height.
The other day, I felt myself shrink to microbe size and it's seemingly took
ages before I reached my house. It took exactly 20 seconds needed to get
from my workshop to my home, so what caused it, ME?? not on your nellie. my
camera was looking at something for someone !!.
I may be nuts but not that nuts !!
Gravity and time are connected in more ways than one and lives are
connected in more ways than one. Today we live here and tomorrow somewhere
else, we think it is the same but it has changed redically in ways we do
not want to acknowledge because it gives us a headache.

Now after this outburst you still want to build a time machine, forget it,
find an old tree really old, sit under it for a few years mentally asking
the tree to tell you what it knows and you will travel in time alright !
That's how the guru's do it and we have not got the time for that. Too busy
looking for nirvana while missing it altogether.

Greetings from this old codger that has been there and done that.
