Re: "Time Distortion" and Light

Steve ( )
Tue, 13 Apr 1999 23:12:41 -0400

Interesting message, I've been wondering the same thing for a while
now, and you phrased the question quite well. :)

One theory I came up with regarding how a time bubble would look
to outside observers, is a perfect mirror.. everything is reflected
back, all light, sound, everything. I imagine it might not be a good
idea to touch a time bubble, if that's even possible. Maybe the
energy field would distort spacetime enough that the surface of the
bubble would actually be "solid". There's a document on KeelyNet
regarding electrostatic force fields that were impossible to pass
through. I can look up the URL, unless anyone knows it?

This may be totally unrealistic, but I had a cool idea of a spherical
time distortion that was mirrored and shimmering, like water. When
someone came in contact with it, it rippled, like touching water, but
their hand couldn't pass through it. Even if it's just a crazy idea,
it might be interesting to add to a sci-fi story.. comments?


p.s. after I wrote that last paragraph, I recalled the visual effects
used in the movie Sphere.. (the book was far superior, IMHO)
What I'm describing this is similar, but less identifiable as a
physical object.. might even be impossible to see, the light might
bend around it.. almost as if a giant glass ball was floating in
the air, and everything viewed through it was distorted. Same idea
with the reflection, except it would be like looking at a "fisheye"
mirror, and the reflections were changing.
The idea that the reflections would be affected by whatever was inside
the sphere is fascinating, and might fit in very well with this
subject. If there were dimensional shifts involved as well as time
distortion, the reflections could reflect (no pun intended!) different
dimensions, or thought patterns created by the person inside the
bubble. Crazy stuff. heh..

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