Gravitational Spider

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Tue, 13 Apr 1999 18:36:48 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Folks!

I wanted to look up the following comments which refer
to a push or exanding force as the cause of gravity as
mentioned in the Koran;

the quote from; ;

The simple explanation of the reason of gravitation,
we propose, does not contradict common sense, but, on
the contrary, reveals the mechanism making bodies to
strive for each other. It is interesting, that one of
the holy books, the Koran, interprets attraction
between planets as pushing them to each other, but
more about it a bit later.

[51:47] And the heavens We did create with Our Hands,
and We do cause it to expand.

The following verse of the Qur'an where God is
speaking, may perhaps be compared with modern ideas:

"The heaven, We have built it with power. Verily. We
are expanding it. [Qur’an 51:47]

Then he turned to the sky, and it had been (as) smoke
(dukhaan): He said to it and to the earth: come you
together, willingly or unwillingly. They said: we do
come (together) in willing obedience. [Qur’an 41:11]


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