Re: [goldenfloweroflife] Re: [Fwd: Fwd: You Try This!]

Steve ( )
Mon, 12 Apr 1999 15:47:09 -0400

I've seen this particular chain letter many many times. My sister
gets it almost once a week in fact.. seems her friends don't have
anything better to email........ (that and the one with Tweety.. but
basically the same thing..)

In my experience it does not work. It also has no relevance to this
list, as I'm sure many will agree. I suggest that this thread be
stopped.. I've sent more than my share of chain letters in the past
few years, but I don't think they belong on a mailing list.


p.s. one thing I've seen before, are surveys. I find those a bit
useful, as it allows you to find out some interesting things about
friends, etc. I wouldn't recommend something like that on a list such
as this however.. never know who might be on here.. ;)

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