Re: Deandra

Steve ( )
Sun, 11 Apr 1999 01:41:26 -0400

Hi all,

> one more thing, I don't think the peoples who built the big
> structures (from huge single stones) were Egyptian but an earlier
> race, possibly the Sumerians...

I've believed this for quite some time now, even more since I started
reading the works of people such as Zecharia Sitchin and Alan Alford.
Excellent books btw, though Gods of The New Millennium is a bit long.

> it is suspected that Hawass and his cohorts open tombs, remove
> artefacts that are clearly NON Egyptian, the 'salt' the tombs with
> their own Egyptian artifacts, only THEN is the public or other
> archeologists made aware of the new 'find'.

Did anyone else see the show on Fox when the archaeologists
"discovered" a mummy on live TV? My first thought was any idiot
would realize that it had been discovered before, and they were
faking it for tv.. I'm surprised people actually believed it..
Of course, that should be assumed since the show was on Fox.. heh..

the tomb of Osiris was interesting to see though. Almost worth watching
the whole show for...almost.


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