Re: Deandra (Egyptian Light Bulb)everburning lamps

Theo Paijmans ( )
Sat, 10 Apr 1999 03:14:40 +0200

Hi Jerry,

Well, herein lies the chagrin...the lamp is extinguished and there is no
record of it ever having burnt while in possession of the museum. It is
though, the only instance that I am aware of, that one of those
legendary lamps is actually still in existence. As soon as I have the
time, I'll go back and shoot some pictures.

Kind regards,

Theo Paijmans

Jerry Wayne Decker wrote:

> Hi Theo!
> WOW! You don't say specifically if it IS burning???
> Can you get video or stills of it???? Is it actually
> putting off light or heat? If so, how long? Does it
> get hot or stay cool? Is there any voltage associated
> with it? Is it a flame or a plasma? Is the glow dim,
> flickering or fairly bright? What is the color of the
> light that comes off?
> This could make a totally cool webpage!!!! And lead
> to something useful if the gestalt could figure it
> out...<g>..