Re: Deandra (Egyptian Light Bulb)everburning lamps

Theo Paijmans ( )
Sat, 10 Apr 1999 01:54:04 +0200

Hi Jerry et al,

In my book `Free Energy Pioneer: John Worell Keely' I cite several
examples of these everburning lamps. Interesting to note is that, in
comparison with your remark about the possible use of electricity in
some of these lamps, Eliphas Levi, the great french magus, wrote about
the strange lamp of Jechiele, the advisor at the court of French king
Louis XI, that `What one said about this lamp and its magical clue
proves that he had discovered electricity, or at least that he knew how
to make use of its principles; for this knowledge, as old as magic, was
transmitted as one of the keys of the higher initiation.' (in my book on
page 295)

On page 297 I cite more examples of everburning lamps, one of which is
to be found in a museum in my native country (see Hargrave Jennings,
Rosicrucians their rites and mysteries) and another which was unreathed
as recently as the 1930's near Budapest.

Kind regards,

Theo Paijmans

Jerry Wayne Decker wrote:

> Hi Ren et al!
> Well now, you are talking apples to oranges...the
> 'perpetual lamps' found in the tombs are indicated to
> be FLAME..check out the book 'Lost Science' by Gerry
> Vassilatos from
> Though with the various names of electricity and
> plasma over time, it is possible that 'flame' might be
> indicating electricity since SOME of the units were in
> closed glass containers.
> Perhaps the admixture of oxygen and hydrogen to form
> 'condoluminescence' has something to do with it as in;
> Hydrogen for lighting
> Lighting via the use of hydrogen can be accomplished
> by the phenomenon of CONDOLUMINESCENCE, a cold
> process. A phosphor is spread on the inside of a tube
> similar to the conventional fluorescent lamp. Upon
> coming in contact with the phosphor, small amounts of
> hydrogen combine with the oxygen in the air to excite
> bright luminescence in the phosphor. (Is this the
> secret of the mysterious "perpetual lamps" as found in
> ancient tombs?)
> (Gosh, I love the new search engine at;
> Soon all the pages will be hooked together but for
> now, it is so easy to look up tidbits)
> ===================
> And the info on 'perpetual lamps' on the web as in the
> following;
> ===================
> a lamp filled with the purest oil and fitted with a
> wick made of asbestos might burn forever
> n Edessa, Syria, revealed a niche in a wall in which a
> lamp was burning.
> ===================
> they couldn't extinguish the lamp! Blowing on the
> flame didn't faze it, nor did dousing it with water.
> Only when the "liquor" contained in the lamp bowl was
> drained off did the lamp fail. It had burned for 2,600
> years!
> in which an ancient lamp burned.
> During the legalized looting of these ancient
> edifices, an old lamp was found burning in a secret
> niche.
> ===================
> --- Marinus Berghuis wrote:
> >
> > Hi Jerry and Bill,
> >
> > I have to have my piece on this, You do not need
> > filaments, plasma, wires
> > to create lightbulbs.
> > The last such light bulb was snuffed out in a family
> > tomb in Italy, there
> > may still be some undiscovered ones, but the records
> > show that ever burning
> > lamps were constructed and lit by bio energy from
> > the mind, some were
> > maintained by so called vestal virgins but there are
> > memories here of a
> > tribe living in New Zealand I think 400 years ago
> > that were carriers of
> > those lamps.
> > The tribe numbered very few and purposely interbred
> > with the polynesian
> > immigrants and even today in the South Island Maori
> > families produce
> > children with caucasian features as a result.
> > The folklore states that the people who had those
> > lamps were survivors of
> > atlantis and from the research in antartica today,
> > the aboriginal legends
> > become more plausible.
> >
> > That's all folks and if you are interested, read
> > Robert Scruttons
> > Secrets of lost atland, a sphere books limited
> > production 30/32 Gray's Inn
> > Road, London WCIX 8JL.
> >
> > Ren
> ===
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