Re: Deandra (Egyptian Light Bulb)

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Sun, 11 Apr 1999 10:54:17 +1200

At 14:14 9/04/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi Bill!
>Well, I am impressed with the site but not their
>Light bulb? In a pigs eye....

Hi Jerry and Bill,

I have to have my piece on this, You do not need filaments, plasma, wires
to create lightbulbs.
The last such light bulb was snuffed out in a family tomb in Italy, there
may still be some undiscovered ones, but the records show that ever burning
lamps were constructed and lit by bio energy from the mind, some were
maintained by so called vestal virgins but there are memories here of a
tribe living in New Zealand I think 400 years ago that were carriers of
those lamps.
The tribe numbered very few and purposely interbred with the polynesian
immigrants and even today in the South Island Maori families produce
children with caucasian features as a result.
The folklore states that the people who had those lamps were survivors of
atlantis and from the research in antartica today, the aboriginal legends
become more plausible.

That's all folks and if you are interested, read Robert Scruttons
Secrets of lost atland, a sphere books limited production 30/32 Gray's Inn
Road, London WCIX 8JL.
