Re: Clem as a Rotary Heat Pump

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Tue, 6 Apr 1999 13:56:54 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Rem, Larry et al!

Dreaming as opposed to building?...<g>...

Let's see, I have a house payment, a car payment,
insurance, utiliies, food, and other expenses. I'm
not on any fixed income and so work full time to just
make a living.

I would LOVE to be like Naudin, with income to pay my
bills and work FULLTIME in a garage type lab, but
alas, not yet.

Tried the group thing, but people are stable or
serious enough to want to do it locally...3, Norman,
Bert and me...the rest just couldn't or wouldn't swing
the shared costs...

Not a lot of options at this point....but I take some
very slight comfort in realizing that most of the
really great discoveries were made by guys in their
40's and 50's....when the juices die down, real estate
is secure and their is a bit more income...<g>...

So Ren, do you work everyday or are you retired or on
a fixed income to allow you the TIME to experiment?
Family? Friends? Any outside activities? Just

> Marinus Berghuis wrote:
> > >Hi Jerry,
> >
> > You have been dreaming about the Clem design and I
> have quietly been
> > gathering material to build it. I have two cars
> which I am wrecking and........


Please respond to
as I am writing from my work email of!
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