Correa generator and the water powered car.

Chris Blythe ( )
Mon, 5 Apr 1999 03:34:50 +0100

In message <>, Jerry W. Decker
<> writes
>So, the bottomline is that like the quest for free energy which hasn't
>produced a working self-running device that will sustain an outside
>load, so too has cold fusion failed in that respect.
As I've said Paulo Correa has just such a self running electricity
generating device based on plasma glow discharge which he is willing to
demonstrate & licence to any party with money to comercialise it
properly. I kid you not. Contact me for details, patents, graphs

Did anyone see the news clip, broadcast at 3am on BBC News24 some 7
weeks back about the water powered car? It was about a Philappino
inventor called Dingle who was shown diving down the road in his 500
mile/gallon water powered car. He lifted the bonnet/hood and showed a
box mounted in the engine compartement into which water was poured. A
battery seemed to be involved and was connected to the converter system.
He proclaimed in the interview that his only real interest was making
the system available in order to make the world a better place. My
impression was that he was a very sincere and kindly man.

The next day there was nothing on the main news, nor have I heard
anything since....did anyone on this list see this broadcast also? I
have a phone number sown on a plate inside the engine compartement from
the video clip (minus the country/area code) and also the number plate
of the car concerned. Anybody got car number tracing ability for the
Phillapines? So far I've drawn a blank with normal directory enquires.

I would appreciate any further info on Dingle with a view to tracking
him down and finding out first hand if this technology is real.

-- Chris BlytheINETAS(Independant New Energy Technologies Advisory Service)Fax (44) (0)1752 664091