Re: Moron Cold Fusion

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Sun, 4 Apr 1999 19:10:28 -0700 (PDT)

Hi John!

Quite a frustrating series of comments. I shall
preface with the comment that I am 45 years of age and
have been involved in this field since my teens.

Over that period of time, I have spent thousands of
hours and tens of thousands of dollars, not to mention
phone calls, letters and emails with people all around
the world, plus attending and speaking at conferences.

So I have 'some' idea of what gives and what doesn't
in the alternative and orthodox science arena. I
spend a great deal of MY time, MY money and MY effort
in this field as well as clearly identifying myself in
emails as well as quite publicly without need of
handles or codenames as I have nothing to hide.

I have not sought or required money from people except
to offer an avenue for contributions to support the
website and/or KeelyNet activities...I work full time
to EARN my own living, 40+ hours per week for a
computer services company and I will NOT EVER require
or solicit anyone to support me like some do in this
field. No books, no videotapes, no speaking at
conferences for a fee, no selling inside info and
above all NO SCAMS.

--- Jaman <> wrote:
> Hi Jerry,
> You know I am going to offer my two cents worth. I
> didn't take too much offense personally at your
> April fools joke, however I do understand why
> some persons would feel betrayed. You may not
> realize it, but you have created for yourself a
> position of fiduciary responsibility. Just as a
> teacher or a bank manager, you are in a position of
> trust.

Shall we analyze this grandiose term of 'fiduciary
responsibility' which has dual disparate meanings?

fiduciary \Fi*du"ci*a*ry\, n. 1. One who holds a thing
in trust for another; a trustee. - Instrumental to the
conveying God's blessing upon those whose fiduciaries
they are.

I hold NOTHING in trust for ANYONE ELSE nor have I
EVER claimed to. I am an agnostic since about 11
years of age so the term God means nothing to me

fiduciary adj : relating to or of the nature of a
legal trust (i.e. the holding of something in trust
for another); "a fiduciary contract" "in a fiduciary
capacity" "fiducial power" [syn: fiducial] n : a
person who holds assets in trust for a beneficiary;
"it is illegal for a fiduciary to misappropriate money
for personal gain"

Neither I or KeelyNet are remotely a legal trust.
KeelyNet has no assets and therefore no money for any
'beneficiaries.' Nor do I come to think of it..<g>..

So, your choice of terms, though sounding quite grand,
has no bearing whatsoever on KeelyNet or myself. I am
responsible TO NO ONE but myself which means I can
speak my mind, (as can anyone on the net without
bowing to any 'sponsor' or company or government
agency who pays me to work to their benefit.

> In being the moderator of this list where
> instead of being ridiculed for their beliefs,
> hopes and dreams of anti-gravity or free energy etc.

The KeelyNet discussion list is a PRIVATE forum
specifically created to discuss such matters and in no
way ever implied or stated that KeelyNet or I were
responsibile to anyone.

> They can relax and speak freely knowing that
> although they may be disagreed with they wont be
> ridiculed and ostracized.
> So when you come out and tell them that IT'S HERE!!!

The entire purpose of April Fools is to FOOL people
into believing something by making it so believable
that the reader takes it at face value. I
intentionally presented it three days early because of
net time and laced it with deplorably irrational
comments as triggers for those who don't swallow every
hair brained claim that comes along.;

April fool, one who is sportively imposed upon by
others on the first day of April.

On reflection, I SHOULD have waited and POSTED IT on
April 1st precisely, regardless of net time.

> They become excited and uplifted. Rushing to get to
> the wonderful new secret that you are going to
> impart they find out after a great buildup that you
> lied.

Exactly the point, people want to believe so badly,
they don't care where fantastic news COMES FROM, just
as long as they can BELIEVE....gullibility is a
disease we all suffer, which I have been caught up
with and which was the point of the hoax.

As well at those who want to be first to capitalize on
what is FREELY GIVEN and I mean by RIPPING IT OFF
which is a major hazard in this entire field, causing
inventors to be very suspicious of releasing ANYTHING
about their discovery.

> Crash, down comes their hopes and dreams and
> they feel ridiculed and laughed at by the one
> person they thought was safe.

The ONE PERSON....geez, sounds like a religion,
something I never sought, never claimed (except once
in jest about the Church of the Divine Resonance or
some such blather)...a bit too fixated methinks. I am
not nor will I EVER BE, the 'one person'.

> That is going to hurt some people's feelings. Some
> more than others, since some of us aren't really
> good with authority and authority figures we don't
> get in to that position very deeply, but to others
> this sort of thing can be devastating.

Authority figure? Sorry, but I sent out my uniform
with all my badges and it never came back, so I am not
nor was I ever, nor did I ever CLAIM to be an
authority figure...your projections, not my reality.

> You can't afford to scorn these sensitive souls
> either, as historically they are the people that
> make breakthroughs.

Scorn sensitive souls?????? They are certainly in the
wrong area of investigation as free energy and
levitation BEGS for scorn, ridicule and outright
DERISION from anyone when you start talking about free
energy or antigravity.....go to a mall, pick 10 people
at random and ask them if they 'believe' in free
energy or antigravity, try to engage them in a
discussion and watch how they respond.

> Those of us that are a little more cold and
> calculating make refinements and broaden the
> understanding in any particular field, but only
> those souls that feel their way through life can
> find the big secrets.

Not to ridicule but to question with GREAT AMAZEMENT.
Feel their way? That's how discoveries are made?
I am sure a lot of inventors and discoverers would be
highly incensed if you told them their discovery was
completely by accident or serendipitously.

serendipity n : accidental sagacity; the faculty of
making fortunate discoveries of things you were not
looking for

Discoveries are made by hopefully astute observation,
hypothesis and EXPERIMENT, not by feeling.

> No one was more volatile than Nikola Tesla,

IMO, Tesla was borderline unbalanced, a plagiarist and
extremely egocentric. The more he was in the news and
being talked about, the happier he was. Wipe and
count, that is pure OCD brought on by some trauma or
in my opinion, GUILT for his theft of ideas, scared to
death someone IN HIS TIME WOULD REALIZE he had lifted
the work of others, applied their DISCOVERIES to
electrical current and claimed it totally as his own.

plagiarist \Pla"gia*rist\, n. One who plagiarizes; or
purloins the words, writings, or ideas of another, and
passes them off as his own; a literary thief; a

> others you may have heard of include Edward
> Leedskalnin,

Sensitive? More like spurned in love, read his own
writings, visit Homestead (Coral Castle) as I have and
get a 'feel' for the place..<g>..he was NOT well
educated as you can tell in his writings, it had
nothing to do with sensitivity. And I have been
informed by a quite unreliable source (which is why I
don't generally quote the comment) that Leedskalnin
had worked for a brilliant European scientist (name
unknown to me) and had stolen most of his knowledge
from the discoveries of that scientist. He tinkered
and experimented with what he remembered and from that
sprang Coral Castle.

> Albert Einstein,

Another plagiarist and one who will one day be
dethroned and derided for his diversion of attention
from the aether as key to the structure and
manifestation of the universe.

> Thomas Edison,

The worst plagiarist I've yet found in any history,
setting up a research lab and subsuming all
discoveries as HIS.

> Leonardo DaVinci

Again, sensitivity? Au contraire, DaVince was one of
the most rational, logical and creative people in this

> the list goes on, all people who were noted for
> their sensitive nature (maybe characterized by a
> quick temper).
> So anyway you may want to at least think about other
> possibilities towards the person/people who quit
> than to call them sponges. Then again you may
> not, it's up to you.

I may but I think I will not. As I prefaced this, I
have been in this field for many, many years, always
seeking that one device, not finding it YET and
absorbing, correlating and reposting what I find that
I believe to be of use, that others might have access
tot he same information and one day yield new

In that time I have come across many who tried to drag
me or KeelyNet into their schemes, most of the time
without an initial indication of scam, though with
research or time passing, it turned out to be just
that. As a result, I am quite aware of and on guard
of anyone who;

1) subscribes yet does not participate in dialogue
or posting of ANY positive, relevant information
2) remains in the background, offering nothing but
ABSORBING ALL, especially that which might have
commercial viability or can be lifted for
duplication and profit
3) always seeks info yet returns none either in
private emails or as questions to the list
4) makes claims or offers of inside information yet
never reveals anything of use or able to be
duplicated, tested and proven
5) dances on the edges with snips and jibes trying
to impugn or castigate others, either ideas or
actions, yet they make no effort OF THEIR OWN
either by spending THEIR money, THEIR time or
THEIR efforts to setup their own website, their
own discussion list or otherwise to post their
own ideas

I've been there, I have been spammed and deflected
more than anyone here wants to remotely hear about. I
note who participates and what level of knowledge they
appear to possess...these I try to stay abreast of and
in touch with, privately and in the event that one
miraculous circuit or technology will come through, so
that THIS SPECIAL GROUP can be given the FIRST
opportunity to test and verify it.

What makes them special? Because they HAVE SHARED and
shown their knowledge of some of the intricacies of
the field.

There is more than one group and generally in
different areas. It is our hope that once we have
achieved this successful duplication and proven it to
our gestalt, then it will be posted as free and true.

And finally, I long ago recognized the presence of
sponges and people who's only interest is for their
own personal gain...that is unfortunate but the way of
the world. This list has about 300 people, do a search
on how many actually participate. Granted, many just
haven't found anything to say YET, but I have NO
DOUBT, based on my many past experieces that wolves
are in the fold..<g>...not much can be done about it.

One thing I dearly hope for, that an 'occasional
outrage' (as my hero Mark Twain says) will
INTENTIONALLY misdirect the sponges to think there is
nothing, nor will there ever be anything useful (as in
having a chance of capitalization).

They will leave in disgust. In time, the wonder will
be found, it will be posted, it will be duplicated all
over the world. By the time the sponges (individuals,
companies, governments) realize what has happened, the
basic Proof of Principle will have long since been
duplicated and BY THEN many others will be working on
improving its operation.

IMO, sensitives aren't remotely the answer and without
a sense of humor, life would be so boring that I would
rather not be involved...if I'm there, you can bet
there will be some humor, partly as a pressure
release, partly as a get a laugh/life hint.

> John

Thanks for your concerns but I don't agree with ANY OF
THEM and I fully plan to leave bruises..<g>..and

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jerry Wayne Decker <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 11:21 PM
> Subject: Re: Moron Cold Fusion
> >Hi Bill!
> >
> >Interesting how the ones who've been in the field
> for a
> >very long time seemed to have gotten the purpose of
> the
> >hoax as crystal clear..
> >
> >One guy left the list, kicking and screaming that I
> >wasted his time and lied to him..<g>...I told him
> he
> >went to the URL...not my fault if he is here solely
> >hoping to capitalize or use someone elses
> information
> >or ideas that are freely shared....
> >
> >Ya know, this is a great way to filter out the
> >sponges...they'll think its ALL one great big joke,
> >THEN the secret it the time they
> even
> >have a clue that something is up, machines all over
> the
> >world will be in operation and they will have
> missed
> >the boat...I LOVE IT!!
> >
> >You know as well as I that there are many people
> out
> >there who are like vultures, just waiting to jump
> on
> >something and try to make it their own just to make
> >money....they don't seem to 'get it' how the world
> will
> >change with the advent (sounds religious eh?) of
> >practical free energy and gravity control.
> >
> >I would be ecstatic if the technologies become so
> >widespread as to be ubiquitous, where people just
> take
> >them for granted as having 'always been
> >there'..<g>..few if any of us will be remembered
> but
> >hey, to be able to fly with only a gravity belt
> powered
> >by a small 'perpetual aether/zpe battery', living
> in a
> >house that heats/cools and makes all its own power,
> >with complete waste disposal, water precipitation
> >directly from the air, fresh home grown plants to
> eat,
> >a sleeping room where you body rejuvenates under
> the
> >stress reducing lowered gravity field....
> >
> >The powers and forces who want to control most
> aspects
> >of our lives and meter out every utility and
> service
> >certainly will hate the global freedom that WILL
> result
> >from these technologies being developed and
> released
> >freely.
> >
> >Finally, we will get back to personal
> responsibility
> >with almost NO laws or government interference or
> >restrictions. Sure, speed down the highway at 120
> mph,
> >but if you hurt someone or damage other's property,
> >THEN you are responsible because it was YOUR
> >irresponsible behavior that resulted in the damage,
> so
> >it is up to you to repair or repay the victim.
> >
> >You wanna do drugs or visit a hooker? Fine, thats
> your
> > can hurt or kill your own self but
> if
> >you damage anyone else or their property, boom,
> >
> >Pure TEXAS..
> >
> >With people scattered everywhere since they need no
> >wires, no water pipes or waste removal, minimal
> outside
> >food, minimal if any medical attention, no 2
> >dimensional transport and the ability to fly
> anywhere
> >on earth within an hour, you could work in Dallas
> and
> >live in Australia, arriving home in 30 minutes...
> >
> >What laws apply if you live with alone or with your
> >immediate friends and family...who enforces? Well,
> >time to go home, set latitude, set longitude, set
> >altitude, set speed, we're off...ain't GPS
> >wonderful...seeya!
> >
> >--- Bill McMurtry wrote:
> >> Hi Jerry,
> >>
> >> I absolutely agree with your comments on the cold
> >> fusion position and the
> >> free energy game in general. Anyone who's been
> >> involved in this field for
> >> any lenght of time knows there's lots of claims
> made
> >> with, to date, not a
> >> single physical demonstration of fact. That's
> life,
> >> and we all put up with
> >> it for one reason - we believe (just like they do
> in
> >> church) that our faith
> >> will be eventually rewarded.
> >>
> >> Your April fools joke illustrates what we already
> >> know - believers are
> >> easily taken in by anything that appears to
> support
> >> their belief. A rather
> >> large industry has grown around this body of
> >> believers (name your church)
=== message truncated ===


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