Re: Moron Cold Fusion

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Fri, 2 Apr 1999 14:09:46 -0800 (PST)

Hi Frank et al!

The following is my own opinion so don't take it as
absolute fact.

Yes, both electromagnetic and magnetic fields would be
viable ways to tap the sun....but I think the
over-riding observation is that nature is cyclical.

That means everything relates to frequency which means
that every mass vibrates, every energy vibrates, EVEN
DC (what we consider static though it can move and thus
have direction, but not in waves...ok, for the purists,
it CAN be pulsed..<g>..) and when it vibrates it
emanates waves, like a rock dropped in a pond.

So two rocks dropped in a pond separated by a distance
will produce waves in the medium of the water which
will interfere with each other to form most interesting
patterns......and claimed EFFECTS.

There are certain patterns where the interference adds
energy by blending and others where it detracts.

So everything is vibrating, everything is putting off
waves, EVERYTHING IS INTERACTING and producing highly
dynamic wave intensifications and rarifications.

That is partly why I am so fascinated by the idea of
interfererring with the flow of aether/zpe or whatever
this motive force or energy must come in waves
therefore is tappable by interference and resonance.

To the best of my understanding the only way you can
impart to or extract current from a superconductor is
by resonance. Just hooking up a wire won't do it.

--- fvraniak wrote:
> Has anyone considered that we live close to a body
> (namely the sun) that
> exudes constant electromagnetic and who knows what
> else types of forces on
> the earth or the magnetosphere that could probably
> harnessed with a
> technology that we currently possess. Maybe I've
> missed something because
> I'm not a regular here but I hear the sun oscillates
> at a very low
> frequency. Any rebuttal to my ignorant knowledge?


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as I am writing from my work email of!
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