Question: exotics?
Thu, 1 Apr 1999 21:29:58 EST

I need to gain some understanding of exotic energy forms... I have minimal
understanding of 'defined' energy forms and need to learn this also... I
have an idea I need to express, but cannot do so alone...

The Reality Engine...

I'm trying to understand 'reality' per se... I need to understand that
'reality' exists apart and away from my 'personal' sensory experience, this
allows me the ability to 'imagine' something, to imagine anything... I no
longer control reality, no longer calculate its next possible move... this
makes me wonder if the power of thought influences reality... supposedly
reality happens and we experience it... that is a form of energy, it's
alive, it is not tapped yet... it is an energy that we do not control yet,
why not... what if we could control the experience that a person had (I'm
sorry, this is not meant to ever be used, theoretical only)... would that
person, because they were 'controlling' realtity, controlling a form of
'energy', cause 'reality' to change... equal and opposite reactions... so
how do we flip the coin to the side where we 'control' reality... firstly,
because the 'person' is controlling reality(energy) they create a standing
wave in reality... take 1000 people, and let them control reality and you
will have chaos... take 1000 people and let them control reality in unison,
the standing wave (there must be a mathematical calculation which could be
applied) would propogate and increase the area energy influence...

Cold Fusion Crystals...
My understanding of cold fusion has happened in the last few minutes, so
please, if you see where this is applicable, please say...
I think cold fusion is kind of a reverse of nuclear, yes? But instead the
energy is being taken 'away'... something has to 'bleed' off that energy...
and at a state of perfect 'no energy' state... each other possible state
(wavefront) 'cannot' intrude upon that 'singular point' in reality... this in
turn creates a 'wave' which can also be received at 'each' possible state
(wavefront)... this is the controlling of reality, and the purest energy...
because it receives from and gives to every other state, a reciprocal wave...
they negate every other wave and create that 'singular point' in reality...
wonder what it's like at the bottom, pretty crowded I'm sure... squeezing
all those waves into a tinier and tinier place... at some point, it's going
to find the frequency this negates itself.... just like sounds negating
sounds... all you might need to do is to change the wave of a 'singular
point' so fast that 'reality' can't keep up, or create every wave at the
same 'time', this in it'self is a standing wave...

This brings us to magnetic fields, which are causing a standing wave of the
exact inverse of the 'reality' signal, (clarify: reality defined as ever
possible wave/quanta existing at every possible place, reality is
everywhere...) and so is energy... if we place a set of 'rings' magents to
create a miniscule 'wave' effect at a single point, it can be 'barely
detectable' at a specific wave but... all that matters is that a 'localized'
change on reality is in effect... all of this small amount of energy is
about to become increased energy... would it be feasible to create a system
of larger and larger magents, wherein each focused it's energy 'away' from a
specific localized singular point... that would be a lot of energy that has
to go somewhere...

Most everything can be 'crystalized' yes?... what is something
crystallized... something that has "energy pouring though it" but, it has
become a superconductor and remains cold, the energy is there, and passed
unimpeeded throught the crystal... as example... glass is a room
temperature superconductor... how do I know this, because I can see the
energy that is happening on the other side of it... it passes the energy
almost perfectly... if we tint the window, we have just reduced the ability
of the glass to pass 'all' the energy which is effecting it... and thusly, we
lose some of the ability to see the 'energy'/reality which is happening on
the other side of it... a 'solid' as we define energy states... so I think
the idea of something to contain all the incredible 'energy' that's just out
there is simply is the inverse of the necessary... if we can create the
singular point of 'no energy', we will see the face of all energy at once...
anti-matter... how can you contain anti-matter... play a trick on
anti-matter... by, I think one of the calculations tries and maybe even
provides for the closest pediction to the next location a singular point in
reality will exist... if we can pedict the next location of our singular
point of zero energy in reality, can we then move it into a static position
in space... all the while staying at any wave that will not be the next
predicted for the next location reality will be in... this should create in
a manner a standing wave, which will resonate with 'every' frequency so
perfectly that no energy will exist at this point (in the sense of kinetic
energy, like a vacuum... energy dissipates, it has to go somewhere... as
more time goes along, if the 'reality' of a moment decays, the standing wave
begins to move, it has to move, reality... we perceive reality as we do,
because we are a standing wave within the wave of reality, and because we are
part of it, we perceive it... we do not 'exist' at higher waves in bodies
such as ours... there is no body, we are a standing wave of energy, that
singular point which reflects back every (this must be taken as 'perceivable'
waves) and thus we are alive in the energy wave... the energy we cannot
perceive passes beyond us having little effect, they have a 'wave' which we
cannot resonate at... our conscience came about from the ability to absorbe
and 'process' some of this information 'almost' instantaneously... the moment
of controlling reality is when we do not know we are controlling it, yet what
we think happens, only it happens after we have thought it, deja vu, opposite
of the reality that happens then we perceive it... singularly the come as
'strange' events, yet as the more of them happen, and the next wave is
'predictable' you can then control reality... and this will be your cold
fusion, because it is the lack of every energy...

trying to understand...


ps-I apologize for the typo's... you can now enjoy your moment of thinking I
am somehow 'less', because of a mis-spelling... ha...