Re: Rotary Arc Gap for Electrolysis

Thu, 01 Apr 1999 14:36:22 -0800

Hi Rem:
Just a thought,not so much up on Joe's Cell format so hope I am not out
in left field here. If I am seems you are running a
resistance circuit here(pos to neg),no matter how much gain you get ,it
gets eaten up in resistance/heat loss. Reversing the polarity (neg to
pos)will give you an easy 10%+ gain,and instead of a spark gap why not
consider a vacume tube as part of a induction coil. Solid state circuits
seem to be problematic in this area. Remember the sodium bicarb to
reduce resistance in the water solution also.

Marinus Berghuis wrote:
> At 12:52 28/03/99 PST, you wrote:
> >
> >Intro; Rotary Arc Gaps for beginers
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> Good day Harvey and all others interested.
> I read with interest your posting and would like to make a comment.
> I am playing with the same idea, From all the patents read so far, the arc
> gap seems to be the answer to many things and today we are stuck on solid
> state devices because it is supposed to be the bees knees.
> I have for years mucked around with diodes and burned out a few, even 200
> amp ones to find that the forward resistance kills every gain you ever
> thought of.(Those with unlimited money supply may be willing to carry on
> this way but I cannot afford to)
> Adams motor design uses make and break contacts in his design and Tesla
> used gigantic apparatus to get his going.
> I am still playing with Joe's cell because that points the way to a
> property of hydrogen (probably) that has been overlooked and is a factor in
> the production of Browns gas.
> So I now own a speed controller and I also own a 2 H.P. router capable of
> 30000 revs per minute which should give me infinite control over the
> fgrequency of the d.c pulse. My battery set up is 6x 2 volts batteries (ex
> telecom) 375 amp hours> so can vary the voltage that way.
> With a small adaptation, I can hook up my spinning fluids idea and will use
> mercury for this. I have a fair amount of 99.9% pure mercury and by using
> an soft iron ring should be able to use the natural rectification
> between mercury and iron to my advantage.
> My thought over free energy is that I believe nothing until I have proved
> for myself and seen with my own eyes what can be achieved.
> Some people tell me that we receive free energy from the sun. In effect
> even this is not free.
> The sun attracts matter from space and burns it up and the matter from
> space originates from physical work
> i.e. a physical vibration expended by something or someone.(Probably a
> rotary pulse)
> Within this physical universe only movement can produce energy as amply
> demonstrated by every star and planetary system.
> Our so called limitless energy within the atom and released in nuclear
> reactors is maintained by a rotary magnetic field within a gigantic rotary
> magnetic field, so my thought has always been that you can get nothing for
> nothing. You may borrow some but while using it have to return it one way
> or the other.
> All this does not mean that I do not think some form of energy cannot be
> got from our environment at less monetary cost than our present means
> because that in effect is what we are after.
> To escape from the greed of our fellow man and make every citizen on this
> earth live a little easier !!
> Wether this is a good thing is also debatable because by introducing free
> time, there is more time to produce weapons of mass destruction and ideas
> of grandeur giving rise to demagogues and their misbegotten followers.
> So from ideas to philosophical conclusion. Somehow the quest for free
> energy is linked to life itself so what is NEW ??
> Greetings to all
> Ren
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