Re: Moron Cold Fusion

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Wed, 31 Mar 1999 19:21:03 -0800 (PST)

Hi Bill!

Interesting how the ones who've been in the field for a
very long time seemed to have gotten the purpose of the
hoax as crystal clear..

One guy left the list, kicking and screaming that I
wasted his time and lied to him..<g>...I told him he
went to the URL...not my fault if he is here solely
hoping to capitalize or use someone elses information
or ideas that are freely shared....

Ya know, this is a great way to filter out the
sponges...they'll think its ALL one great big joke,
THEN the secret it the time they even
have a clue that something is up, machines all over the
world will be in operation and they will have missed
the boat...I LOVE IT!!

You know as well as I that there are many people out
there who are like vultures, just waiting to jump on
something and try to make it their own just to make
money....they don't seem to 'get it' how the world will
change with the advent (sounds religious eh?) of
practical free energy and gravity control.

I would be ecstatic if the technologies become so
widespread as to be ubiquitous, where people just take
them for granted as having 'always been
there'..<g>..few if any of us will be remembered but
hey, to be able to fly with only a gravity belt powered
by a small 'perpetual aether/zpe battery', living in a
house that heats/cools and makes all its own power,
with complete waste disposal, water precipitation
directly from the air, fresh home grown plants to eat,
a sleeping room where you body rejuvenates under the
stress reducing lowered gravity field....

The powers and forces who want to control most aspects
of our lives and meter out every utility and service
certainly will hate the global freedom that WILL result
from these technologies being developed and released

Finally, we will get back to personal responsibility
with almost NO laws or government interference or
restrictions. Sure, speed down the highway at 120 mph,
but if you hurt someone or damage other's property,
THEN you are responsible because it was YOUR
irresponsible behavior that resulted in the damage, so
it is up to you to repair or repay the victim.

You wanna do drugs or visit a hooker? Fine, thats your can hurt or kill your own self but if
you damage anyone else or their property, boom,

Pure TEXAS..

With people scattered everywhere since they need no
wires, no water pipes or waste removal, minimal outside
food, minimal if any medical attention, no 2
dimensional transport and the ability to fly anywhere
on earth within an hour, you could work in Dallas and
live in Australia, arriving home in 30 minutes...

What laws apply if you live with alone or with your
immediate friends and family...who enforces? Well,
time to go home, set latitude, set longitude, set
altitude, set speed, we're off...ain't GPS

--- Bill McMurtry wrote:
> Hi Jerry,
> I absolutely agree with your comments on the cold
> fusion position and the
> free energy game in general. Anyone who's been
> involved in this field for
> any lenght of time knows there's lots of claims made
> with, to date, not a
> single physical demonstration of fact. That's life,
> and we all put up with
> it for one reason - we believe (just like they do in
> church) that our faith
> will be eventually rewarded.
> Your April fools joke illustrates what we already
> know - believers are
> easily taken in by anything that appears to support
> their belief. A rather
> large industry has grown around this body of
> believers (name your church)
> for obvious commercial and other reasons. I'm not
> saying this is a bad
> thing, I don't know, but it should be seen for what
> it is.
> When I look objectively at my own research I often
> wonder if I'm self
> diluded. Is my search for a solution to Bessler's
> wheel an impossible
> challenge that can never be met? Hundreds of years
> attempts by hundreds
> of clever people combined with absolutely no
> precedent leaves one
> feeling pretty well marginalized. Yet in the back of
> my mind there lurks a
> solution, or at least the feeling that a solution is
> possible. No facts, no
> reason, just that niggling belief. Jeez, what an
> expensive curse!
> No facts, no reason, no common sense - sounds like a
> recipe for disaster
> does'nt it? My accountant thinks I'm completely
> which just about sums
> it up really <g>. Yet the work continues regardless.
> I enjoyed your joke. I get the point (again). I
> guarantee you that I'll
> remain the gullible fool - I think you know why.
> Regards, Bill.
> To leave this list, email
> <>
> with the body text: leave Keelynet
> list archives and on line subscription forms are
> at


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