Re: MindLab Orion

Steve ( )
Sat, 27 Mar 1999 22:42:41 -0500

> Hello again Keelynet, bit quite of late.
> Just wondering, has any one bought the MindLab Orion light and
> sound device? Its great as mind trainer etc Last July I got mine and
> paid about 420 dollars ( equivalent). It was in sterling( includes all
> bank charges.) About a month ago I checked it out on the net and saw
> it for about 120 d + postage. It had no software with it, yet mine had
> approx 260 in free software. I don't think the 11 cds could cost that
> much. I'd like to know the prices you've seen.

were those the people that used to advertise in Popular Science all
the time? I wanted to get one of those, but then I went to their
web site and they said they were shutting down because of a court
case or something like that. Might have been a different company,
tho I thought the name sounded familiar. They were selling their
devices with CDs and stuff. I'm very interested in these devices,
and was wondering if they actually do work.. I'm not so much
interested in speed learning as I am induced relaxation and
altered mind states. Lucid dreaming is another thing, but as far
as I remember, these devices never said that was one of the features.
It'd be sorta cool to get one of these things that has lucid
dreaming features built in, so you wouldn't need 2 devices.


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