Godbox? Violet Ray Crystal Resonator (laboratory model)

LARRY SULLIVAN ( polymercanada@bc.sympatico.ca )
Sat, 27 Mar 1999 04:25:04 -0800

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Just a little gizmo I pulled off the net. There doesn't seem to be any
shortage of &quotgod boxes" around.


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Violet Ray Crystal Resonator (laboratory model)

This a back view of the laboratory model of the Violet Ray Crystal Resonator with the instrument controls set at a specific chakra balancing mode. Both the laboratory model and the production model have three Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) installed. These LEDs add the color vibrations to the subharmonics and harmonics generated by the VRCR. The predominate color depends upon the setting of the instrument controls.

(Please note: when this image is viewed using the AOL browser, the text printed on the image may appear somewhat hazy. Whereas, when viewed with the AT&T Netscape browser, the text printed on the image usually appears clear and distinct. If you are using a different browser and would like to let us know how the images and text appear to you, you can send your comments to us at StLorraine@aol.com. Any comments will be greatly appreciated.)

This another back view of the same laboratory model with the instrument controls set a different chakra balancing mode.

This is a front view of the same laboratory model.

Now, you may want to see the other photos of the VRCR on PHOTO 1 page or on PHOTO 2 page, or return to our home page or to the order page.

Have a good day!!!
