Scientific American article

Wm Perry ( (no email) )
Fri, 26 Mar 1999 22:27:55 -1000

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On 3/19/99 Matthew Goff wrote :

Hey all,

I was reading a fairly recent Scientific American, (Feb or Mar '99) and
came across a fairly interesting blurb on nanotech.

Basically, the gist of the thing was that there are researchers that are
working on what are being called "Brownian motion motors". The main =
concept is that a wheel and ratchet assembly are constructed on the =
molecular level, such that random impact will turn the wheel (gear) and =
the ratchet will only let it turn one way.

Unfortunately, the researchers have not had any staggering success, but =
this line of inquiry seems to point to the possibility of machines
(albeit small ones) that would require no traditional power source in
order to operate in non-frozen enviornments.

Although I realize that using ambient, chaotic heat and motion is not
really true overunity, given that the establishment at large seems to
think that this "degenerated" energy is useless, I think that this is
fairly cool.

On 3/19/99 at 10:13 AM Jerry Decker wrote :
>Now we need to find the URL for that SCIAM article...<g>...

The URL is :

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On 3/19/99 Matthew Goff wrote =:
Hey all,

I was reading a fairly recent Scientific American, =(Feb or=20Mar '99) and
came across a fairly interesting blurb on=20nanotech.

Basically, the gist of the thing was that there are =researchers=20that are
working on what are being called "Brownian motion=20motors".  The main concept is that a wheel and ratchet =assembly are=20constructed on the molecular level, such that random impact will turn =the wheel=20(gear) and the ratchet will only let it turn one =way.

Unfortunately, the=20researchers have not had any staggering success, but this line of =inquiry seems=20to point to the possibility of machines
(albeit small ones) that =would=20require no traditional power source in
order to operate in non-frozen =enviornments.

Although I realize that using ambient, chaotic heat =and=20motion is not
really true overunity, given that the establishment at =large=20seems to
think that this "degenerated" energy is useless, I =think=20that this is
fairly cool.

On 3/19/99 at 10:13 AM Jerry Decker wrote :
>Now we need to find the URL for that SCIAM =article...<g>...
The URL is :