Re: Hutchinson Effect

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Thu, 25 Mar 1999 11:59:30 +1200

At 15:30 23/03/99 -0600, you wrote:
>>From what I can gather,the Hutchinson effect has to do with messing
>with the Continuum as in the Philly expt. or Project Rainbow.

"To those interested in time travel experiments."

First of all answers to those who wrote:

As all existence is due to the creation of a physical vibration in our
visible universe,it so happens that this appears to be an electric/magnetic
manifestation. (so an earlier writer stating that God is a physical being
is correct in one sense.)
Our ego or controller of our physical appearance is not necessarily
composed of same. When we speak of zero point energy, this is a physically
unmeasurable quantum because it stands outside of our frame of reference
and imagination.
We do observe odd effects because under some freak conditions, we have a
spontaneous appearance of a small window which is used by people like Keely
and Tesla because their ego was able to induce imaginary effects which even
today people are trying to emulate.
In my case, when I want something desperately, I find that conditions alter
to make my need possible without a change to my monetary wealth or living
Still people never give me anything other than encouragement. If my want is
irrelevant in the grander scheme of things, I stay wistling in the wind for
ever so abandon the idea.
However today I stand in an area where very few people live, with a mental
array of assets for which I have no outlet so have to ask what brought me
to this Godforsaken spot and for what purpose.
I have for years viewed future events but never have been able to
accurately forecast a date so the prophesies are no good to anyone just as
the Bible prophesies are from century to century interpreted by many
zealots as being the bees knees to find they once more have to shift their
forecasted dating.
So time travel would be a most important aspect of science if it was not
for the loss of mystery.
If one could travel in time, one would be able to view everything that was
or was to come. What then would be the purpose of living ?
I am of the firm opinion that although certain flashes of the future as
foretold are accurate, many future visions are NOT accurate and this is
done by the same people so we are not looking at a creation that is finite
in it's manifestation. We only observe possibilities and if we happen to
strike one that is accurate, Hurray !! The world lies at your feet.
This ties in with my earlier statement that if our CREATOR was really
interested, The mess in the Balkans,Africa and where ever demagogues rule
masses willing to die for their ill begotten power hunger, would never be
These are all possible scenarios and as these in the final analysis are
only holographic imaginary scenes, matter per se, or the ego's of those
are not destroyed, only shifted to another continuum to exist forever in
the astral record.
Reading this again, I am as clear as mud but how does one explain something
that is clear in your mind but impossible to put on paper because words can
never convey true feeling which stands above the material universe.
It is obvious that when you look for free energy and try to produce gadgets
to obtain same, you are always intertwined with the impossible i.e the mind
can see things that are impossible to achieve not because it is impossible,
but the mind's power of imagination has not be developed highly enough to
make matter do your bidding.
When the time is ripe and you have looked at your own power of imagination,
you will dream up an answer to what ever you want to achieve.

I HAVE TO FINISH THIS WITH THE FAMOUS "Do as I say not as I do because my
power of imagination is sadly lacking at present.

Good hunting
