(no subject)

James Bland ( (no email) )
Tue, 23 Mar 1999 01:15:57 -0000

Can you be more specific on the subject of experiments?
James Bland, chateaux@tinet.ie
-----Original Message-----
From: Marinus Berghuis <renkahu@ihug.co.nz>
To: keelynet@DallasTexas.net <keelynet@DallasTexas.net>
Date: 23 March 1999 00:53
Subject: Re:

>At , you wrote:
>>At 07:25 23/03/99 +0800, you wrote:
>>>Does anyone has any theories about this so called Hutchison Effect??
>It is still good morning to you all here.
>Does anyone really realise that the whole of the universe is the result of
>a single vibration ?
>I have personally been involved in experiments and mind games where
>extremely heavy objects have floated along or been thrown with tremendoes
>force causing considerable damage !!>>
>The entities employing these methods obtain their energy directly from the
>minds of the people present or those same people have one purpose on their
>mind and focussed usually by starting with music of a particular genre.(No
>spooks need to be involved although they usually rush in to activity of
>such nature))
>I am convinced that these effects can be created with one octave of
>amplifiers capable of stepping up the oscillations to the harmonics of the
>original frequency.
>Those amplifiers have to be individually controlled with very precise
>frequency counters.
>The frequency of "F" to be the only one to be controllable away from the
>original harmonic.
>This frequency will be the control causing the lifting effect by setting up
>the necessary interference patterns. I.E. a 6 sided box with speakers
>focussed to a centre with the frequency of 2F speakers to be situated top
>and bottom and in phase. The size of the box can be any size in harmony
>with the size of the earth and can also be used to transmutate matter.
>(Alchemists of old transmuted matter by strict mind control)
>The size to be a harmonic of 21600 minutes and correlated to the actual
>circumference of the lattitude of the earth wherever you may be.
>Various religious groups have discovered this phenominon by observing what
>happens when the human voice is used in choral combinations and or
>artificial sound production through trumpets and the like. Also Ancient
>churches and places of worship are always constructed so the Pulpit is dead
>centre of such a telluric current.(Mormon Churches today)
>The minds of people are producers of variable frequencies which can be
>controlled through exercising with feed back equipment or as in the days
>before electronic amplification by voodoo or shaman methods who's secrets
>are carefully preserved and used by only those which have a natural ability
>nurtured by specific breeding patterns.
>(The Dalai Lama is thought to get selected by going through sometimes
>thousands of candidates that are tested for the ability as only the one
>with the natural ability is thought to be the reincarnated soul)>>
>So if you feel inclined to do some experiments I can assure you of
>startling results.
>Now another matter altogether.
>David Hamil states somewhere that by spinning material (in his case the
>magnets) at high speed, the electrons are being crowded by centrifugal
>action and that this is capable of producing very high voltages.
>We read that water vortices create magnetic fields and also capable of
>creating high voltages.
>We know that water slowly flowing underground produces standing waves of
>some description which dowsers can pick up and that the likes of stonehenge
>and pyramids were being used to amplify and modulate those energies for
>various uses (mainly to increase the mental perception of other continuums)
>In the case of solids (actually fluids in various stages of freezing) The
>electrons are moribound in crystal lattices. But what would happen if we
>spin fluids in a thin layer with an electrode at the rim and in the centre?
>The friction would be negligable (Spinning top)
>So onwards Christian Soldiers !! Think up a way to hold a fluid in a
>rapidly spinning disc and take off the electrons from the rim to the
>centre. (Nature loves peace and quiet and will do anything to achieve it
>even create power flow that can be used.)
>Bye for now !!
>Ren. -------------------------------------------------------------
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