Appeal to th lsit administrator;censorship on Laura Lee show ?

ryb ( )
Fri, 19 Mar 1999 11:26:33 -0500

Can someone do anything about the MIMES messages plugged into the
e-mails ? It is slowing downloads of the digest format to the point of
having it crashed on my pc(taking too much time),the digest only has 3
-3 mssages,etc..format unreadable...

HTML in th e-mails-why do people insist in puttying that garbage in
their e-mails ? And why do people jsut resend the same grbage when
replying to it ? Snipping and cutting useless junk in your e-mail
repliesdoes not take an 200IQ to do..,no ?

And again VIRUS HOAXES like do NOT OPEN,etc..dammit-these pseudo
warnings are the VIRUSES !

On this list,I assume that people are over 21 yrs old-why many of them
act like 10 yrs old then ?

Okay,to a more positive thing-due to the cancellation of the EXOTIC
"technology" show- it was said on the Lura Lee (heard on the internet)
WEB SITE and by her on the radio that P. Pantone(?) of GEET technology
would be on her radio show and demonstrate via a web cam this past
Thurdays his motor-but a no-show-and no mention of it on her web
site..So what happened here ?

-ART BELL-beware of him-he appears to be selecting his guests,has a
list of favorites and a blaclist as well..also not telling all on his
radio show..

I' m finding that JEFF RENSE of SIGHTINGS( ) show more honest,open and more
informative..and he tries to weed out the frauds.. where on Art Bell
show they are welcomed with open door, like Hoagland..

And the LIVE Networks-(mostly crap ,but some gems)see:

Sensible steam- they offer good products,see them at:

The only onus is that for heat-okay-but for producing electricity cost
is too prohibitive...


P.S. Read that one William Cooper(not without his faults,collaborated
with government a t apoint or as used by them;soem fraud charges vs him
as well)) that used to be into UFOS,etc now says it is all a
CIA/ILLUMINATI/FBI plot-and he is aligned with the Militia Patriots..But
he revealed fact that the UFO MAGAZINE out of California,whose one
editor was(still is?) Vicki Copper-well she used to be a high priced
Washington D.C prostitute-ratted vs her Madam in exchange of a freebie
and was shipped to L.A. by the CIA/FBI to start an UFO zine and given
the $$.That her husband is also a fraud,etc...

Art Bell is NOT to be trusted,he is NOT what he appears to be..he is
a FREEMASON-when he says "are you a traveler" it means "are you a
freemason too" ?

Bottom line is for energy seekers/researchers to beware...I do NOT
think that the EXOTIC conference cancellation was due to too greedy
Hotel managers-maybe they got a hint or two from said governmental
sources to call off the deal-and a similar conference,along same line to
be held in Washington D.C. early in April under governmental tutelage or
surveillance,of sort..People going to that conference are FOOLS.Those
that are on the treshold of discoveries will be evaluated and later
dealt accordingly...