Re: Oxygen Therapy & Ed McCabe

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Tue, 05 Mar 2002 19:21:25 +1300

At 23:47 15/03/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Hi Folks!
>I had to think very hard about posting this on the discussion list as
>its really not relevant, however, I happen to have known Ed (of oxygen
>therapy fame) for many years now and he is in a bind partially of his
>own making. Rather than just holding it as a private email, if you are
>interested in maybe helping him out, check out;
>Hallo Jerry and all interested,

Thank you for pointing me to the plight of this man Ed, although I can do
nothing about it from here.
I have personally been taken to the cleaners by the actions of lawyers
working under the thousands of laws created solely to keep them in clover.
The worse conditions become, the greedier the capital owning fraternity
become and the stricter and tighter the laws created to keep us all in check.
Power begats power and will be broken only by the worst violence the world
will see in the very near future.
In your country the larger cities are starting to feel the effects and
here, the indiginous population are becoming more and more militant because
the laws are stopping the small man in his tracks time and again with the
support of the silent middle class who for some reason let it all happen.
I have spent 20 years trying to put young people in employment by paying
for training
and spent endles days chasing up employers to place them in jobs only to
find that firm after firm are shedding staff and installing machines with
not a thought as to who are supposedly going to buy the produce without money.
The medical, dental and law practitioners are all in the pay of big
business and as long as we wear the consequences without a murmur, we are
breeding fast enough and the public purse large enough to pay the extra
ordinary exorbant fees for either poisoned words or poison medicine.
Ed's case is only the tip of the iceberg in your country as many
enlightened people are still in jail or dead.

I am at an age where I am spent and live from day to day until the merciful
release from this vale of tears.

Greetings to you all and hope the poor chap will get the help needed from
the citizens of your country.
