Extraordinary claims ?Pogue ?

ryb ( ashita@dsuper.net )
Sun, 14 Mar 1999 14:49:27 -0500

Can anyone tell me if "WYOMING INSTRUMENTS" slels a legit
product,designed to save from 30 to 60% on your gas ?Their product is

They are at:


The inventor is one R.C Davis.(a pastor !).It is stated that during the
past 60-70 yrs a least 6,00-7,000 high mileage gas savers were patented
and that the BIG companis even found out that soem realluy did work such

1-In 1936,Ford Motor Co. tested a device from CHARLES POGUE from Canada
which resulted in 205MPG

(Charles Pogue-whatever happned to his invention ?)

2-In the 50's,a G-M Cadillac test car accidentally got out on the
market which was doing 40-50 mpg(miles per gallon)

3-In the 70's there was a Florida man that invented a high mileage
device and sold it for 8.5 millions dollars(US)..


P.S It is also stated that Davis got his factory burned down twice as he
refused to sell his invention;he was put in jail on bogus charges..The
only legal way to sell his invention is NOT to sell it-thus you have to
become a member of his club,buy a membership and in return you receive
as a free gift the said carburator ! Cost is $150...US(Now instead of