Electromagnetic generator/The Magnetic Resonance Amplifier (MRA)

LARRY SULLIVAN ( polymercanada@bc.sympatico.ca )
Sat, 13 Mar 1999 08:24:40 -0800

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An interesting site I dug up for those interested in electromagnetic
power cell generators.


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The Magnetic Resonance Amplifier (MRA)

With low-level ultrasonic input signals, the Magnetic Resonance Amplifier(MRA) produces usable direct current power at levels above unity. This circuitis based upon the work and theories of John Ernst Worrell Keely, and is offeredinto the public domain in his memory.

The Magnetic Resonance Amplifier (MRA)

An Introduction

By Joel McClain and Norman Wootan

Without lengthy discussion about the aether, tetrahedral geometricaggregate resonance or the Rule of Nines, it is possible to understand thiscircuit as basically a tuned magnetic and quartz amplifier.

However, it was necessary to study those subjects in order to design andbuild the MRA, so if you want to fully realise how it works, avail yourself ofthe files on KeelyNet which contain all of that and much more.

In the MRA schematic below, there is a tuneable low-power oscillator whichsupplies a signal to one side of a barium titanite transducer. The oppositeside of the transducer is connected to a primary coil which is wrapped arounda barium ferrite magnet core. The opposite end of the primary goes back to theoscillator.

A secondary is wrapped around the primary and is connected to anordinary bridge rectifier, and the output of the bridge is applied to a DC load.A filter capacitor can be used on the output of the bridge, and was used on theMRA which we built. Additionally, a load resistor across the capacitor willkeep the output DC from getting too high as the circuit is tuned. We found that a 30 ohm, 10 watt resistor was sufficient.

Once this has been assembled, put a voltmeter across the outputresistor to monitor the voltage rise as the circuit is tuned. Adjust theoscillator frequency to provide the highest DC output. During this process, beaware that the voltages across the piezo and the coil will be very much higherthan the signal level which you are applying. We have seen combined voltages ofalmost 1,000 volts AC with only 30 volts AC of signal input.

When the circuit is tuned, the magnet will be "singing" ataround 8,000 to 11,000 Hz. If the piezo sings, you are exceeding its powercapabilities and will need to reduce the number of turns on your primary.The frequency that resonates both the piezo and the magnet at optimum resonance will be three times (three octaves above) the frequency at which the magnetis singing.

This is the nine harmonics that are mentioned in the Rule of Nines.

To test the circuit, place a precision, high wattage, low ohm resistor inseries with the output from the oscillator to the piezo, and measure thevoltage drop. It should be very small, less than 0.1 volt AC. Use this value to determine current in the series circuit, and then calculate power.

Next, measure the DC voltage across your output load resistor, and onceagain calculate power. You should be between three to four times above thepreviously calculated input power.

Once the circuit is in operation, you will note that the voltage will vary by0.1 volt DC or more, depending upon the time of day. This is due to the natureof etheric forces inherent in the Earth's magnetic field. Watch for peakvoltage at or before sunrise.

In our circuit, we measured 0.084 volt AC drop across a 2 ohm seriesresistor, for a total of 0.685 W dissipation in the primary. With this, weattained 2.75 W of output power and used this to drive a lamp and a motor. Increasing the signal voltage had the effect of decreasing the primary current while boosting output power, thus improving the power gain ratio.We believe that larger power systems can be built by using larger coils, more piezos, and a lower frequency, as long as the aggregate combination iswithin the resonant frequency range of the components.

The MRA is essentially a means of releasing the electrical energy storedin magnets. As such, it is an AC battery with DC output. It can be used for aportable, self-charging power supply with a solid state oscillator andrechargeable battery. For those who want a synopsis of the technology, the following paragraphs are offered, but it is strongly suggested that you follow up this reading with a more thorough study of the KeelyNet files.

Matter=Energy. To change matter, change the energy. Creation of a magnetis achieved by a process which causes the matter to be both expanded and compressed at the same time, with the result that a magnet is in a constantstate of collapse. This is why magnets attract material with similar latticestructures, as they attempt to fill the energy void which created them. The"domains" of the magnet are fixed after the process of magnetisation, and the only way to extract electrical energy is to physicallyspin a coil relative to a magnet.

However, it is also possible to induce virtual rotation by applying theresonant frequency of the magnet, which causes the lattices and the domains to vibrate. However, the power required to do this is greater than the energyreleased by the virtual rotation. Therefore it is necessary to increase the vibration without using excessive current.

The piezo has a virtually inexhaustible supply of free electrons, and itreleases them when it is stressed. Using the piezo in series with the primarycoil will almost eliminate primary current, because it is voltage which stressesthe piezo, not current. Therefore the piezo can be stressed with very littleactual power, and provide the current to the primary coil which vibrates thedomains of the magnet.

The piezo is the catalyst for the circulating current with the primary coil.The circulating current is additive, and this is the reason for the high potentials developed across both the piezo and the primary coil.

It is at this point that resonance becomes important. You must have threeoctaves of separation between the magnet resonant frequency and the signal supplied to the piezo. The circulating current is rich in harmonics, and this isnecessary for the operation of the circuit.

Although the circuit is simple, it utilises the concepts of phi, of virtualrotation, of tetrahedral geometry, piezo and transformer theory, and electrical knowledge. It is not suggested as a beginner project, because of the high voltages present. For engineers and technicians of experience, itmay be difficult to accept that the MRA is above unity. The ramificationsare enormous. Hopefully, it will help to build a better world.

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