Re: Electronically amplified signatures

p-michel ( (no email) )
Fri, 12 Mar 1999 17:43:41 -0500

Jerry, et al,

What's your take on the Montauk Project and Preston Nichols? Any truth to
this at all or just great science fiction?

Peter Michel

P.S. Thanks for the prayer wheel link. I could use all of the negative
karma cancellation I can get+ACE- I copied thousands of mantra repetitions to
my hard drive to try it out. Hey, it can't hurt+ACE-

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Wayne Decker
Date: Thursday, March 11, 1999 7:19 PM
Subject: Electronically amplified signatures

+AD4-Hi Folks+ACE-
+AD4-Years ago, a fellow was on the KeelyNet BBS and some of us were
+AD4-involved in a discussion about two dimensional and three dimensional
+AD4-images. At that time, he wanted to make a circuit in the form of a
+AD4-copper etched pattern which would represent a specific signature, that
+AD4-could be electronically excited and amplified to increase the 'power'
+AD4-of that signature.
+AD4-I was told later that Preston Nichols (of Montauk infame) had done
+AD4-something similar, producing a pattern removed from an old grimoire
+AD4-that was supposed to represent an 'air spirit'.
+AD4-I later talked to Nichols by phone and he said yes that was so, that
+AD4-they used way more power than was necessary which pulled this creature
+AD4-through (wherever it came from) with great force...that it collapsed
+AD4-the building and killed 6 people inside and was still wandering the
+AD4-Now, the story is bizarre and he claims you can go to the area and
+AD4-take IR pictures of this entity...but I don't know about that either...
+AD4-My point is the novel idea of using a two dimensional pattern that
+AD4-produces a specific effect, expanding that 2D image to a three
+AD4-dimensional image and amplifying it for various uses/abuses..+ADw-g+AD4-..
+AD4-Most of this has been written up and/or discussed in various forms on
+AD4-KeelyNet before so the idea isn't all that new, however, today I found
+AD4-a website claiming the Dalai Lama had stated you could use the rapidly
+AD4-spinning hard drive disc, programmed with a Tibetan mandala to
+AD4-'cancel negative karma' in the Tibetan tradition of the prayer
+AD4-I found this quite bizarre and wondered if anyone had any knowledge of
+AD4-how to measure an improvement in the area where such a signature was
+AD4-being repeated without cessation. Here is the prayer wheel URL+ADs-
+AD4-Electronic Prayer wheels+ADs-
+AD4-Along similar lines, Bob Dratch has developed what he claims is a
+AD4-method of broadcasting signatures through the output of a computer in
+AD4-the form of a God Box.
+AD4-Overall description of how it works+ADs-
+AD4-More Godbox info+ADs-
+AD4-Preliminary block diagram of the Godbox+ADs-
+AD4-Years ago, a group was working with the late Andrija Puharich on
+AD4-measuring energy fields by using Kinesiology and other techniques.
+AD4-They had been doing tests on a Jewish religious device called a
+AD4-I couldn't find it on the net but I've seen one. It consisted of a
+AD4-small box, apparently made of leather and strapped to the head so that
+AD4-one flat of the box lies against the forehead.
+AD4-I was told when specific verses of the Torah were placed inside this
+AD4-leather box, the aspirant would go into a meditation and chant the
+AD4-phrase that was on the paper.....this was supposed to produce a direct
+AD4-communication with G+ACo-d and related to the subject of the phrase that
+AD4-was written on the paper inside the Tiflin. Indicating that a tuned
+AD4-signature would produce a pattern related to the nature of that
+AD4-The story I got was that this group affiliated with Puharich found a
+AD4-great increase of muscle strength when the Tiflin was in position and
+AD4-had a sample Tora verse inside.
+AD4-Unbeknownst to the wearer, in some cases there was no paper with a
+AD4-verse, yet their muscles always 'knew' because there would be a
+AD4-decrease in muscle strength and an increase ONLY when there was a
+AD4-paper with a phrase inside the box.
+AD4-At the time, I thought it interesting that some kind of brain or
+AD4-energy field stimulation was being detected using kinesiology and it
+AD4-opened up the possibility of an electronic device that could also be
+AD4-attached to the head yet have tunable signatures broadcast inside the
+AD4-brain to hopefully produce measurable effects...
+AD4-Shortly after that, I was told about the fellow in Washington who had
+AD4-developed a coil that stimulated his brain and evoked all kinds of
+AD4-abilities by extruding his consciousness into the 'other' 93+ACU- of
+AD4-unused brain. I wrote that up as the Krell Helmet paper at+ADs-
+AD4-and of course, the recent attachments of radionics devices to
+AD4-computers which I find most intriguing. One of the best claimed as a
+AD4-healing device is at+ADs-
+AD4-And finally...since it is that time of year and we need to conserve
+AD4-resources wherever we can and since we are concerned with both energy
+AD4-and gravity+ADs-
+AD4-Wasting Electrons
+AD4-On conserving gravity+ADs-
+AD4-Please respond to
+AD4-as I am writing from my work email of
+AD4-Get your free address at
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