(no subject)

Jerry Wayne Decker ( jwdatwork@yahoo.com )
(no date)


on Bosons as a key to free energy and gravity comes the following quote;


I had the theory that DNA or RNA will replicate with extreme speed if
format #7 came into direct contact with it. My theory was based on a
few things, but was very reinforced when I saw a particular episode of
the TV show "Sightings".

In this episode, a single sphere-type UFO having a purple color
maneuvered directly over these two guys in a pickup truck.

The driver had a major cut in his left hand, which was
resting on the top of the cab. After the craft passed overhead, the
man noticed that there was no more pain in his hand, and after
removing the bandages, realized that the injury was gone.

It was cut open earlier in the day. This convinces me that positive
ions, format 7, inhales enough of the right types of particles when
re-formatting to #3, to allow the DNA or even RNA to heal rapidly.

The natural healing rate of human DNA is made possible by a very slow
movement of particles from the brain and pelvis to all other points in
the body. The moon also gives a small amount of this same flow as it
orbits the earth. Comparing either one to the force difference of
format #7 merits "no contest". When format #7 comes into contact with
DNA, it may also be quite possible that the DNA will have the power to
overcome foreign viruses such as cancer or AIDS."
If this report of such a remarkable rapid healing did in fact occur,
I think the key here is ANTI-TIME. As Keely said in the 1800's, time
IS gravity, so when you slow or stop gravity, you slow or stop local

When you repel from the body of the earth, you are effectively phase
conjugating the 'gravity' of the earth by a degree proportionate to
how much force is used to repel.

That is why KeelyNet recognizes the distinct correlations between free
energy, gravity control and electronic health.

Check out the following for some additional thoughts on this;


Yet another possibility is Joseph Caters 'soft electrons' which are
claimed to be expanded fuzzy and thus soft electrons which are related
to life because they more easily absorbed by living tissue. Cater
asserts that these 'soft electrons' are the source of many of the
reports regarding anomalous phenomena and possibly have implosive

There is a device I believe it is called the Biotron manufactured by a
guy down in Florida. It is basically a very high power filament lamp
whose light is forced down a zig-zag light channel so that the light
must bounce back and forth thousands of times before it finally is
emitted. The claim is that the photons become fuzzy and more easily
assimilable by living tissues. On reading the following URLs it
states the light is highly polarized;




five additional articles with some interesting details;

Normal 'hard electrons' are the compact, compressed, higher potential
units which we use in our explosive technology.


Please respond to jdecker@keelynet.com
as I am writing from my work email of

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