Scalar EM and Quantum Mechanics (Part 1 of 2)

Kooiman, John ( (no email) )
Wed, 10 Mar 1999 08:43:00 -0700


Hi Rick,

I'm new to your web site and this discussion group, so please allow me
introduce myself. My name is John Kooiman and I am an RF & Microwave
design engineer by trade. I have always been interested in trying to
understand what makes the world work the way it does and have long felt

that conventional physics has been wearing blinders and missing
very important.

The other night I was working on developing software using the FDTD
(Finite Difference Time Domain) technique to solve Maxwell's equations
use in designing microwave devices. While contemplating the discreet
forms of Maxwell's equations, it dawned on me that it might be possible
rearrange these equations to solve for Delta T (the time variable). If

so, this would imply that by controlling Delta E and Delta H (E & M
Gradients), it might be possible to force Delta T to be something other

than its natural value. In other words, it might be possible to change

the rate of time by forcing the E & M fields to be something other than

their natural response. Since we know that time is related to
and gravity, this may represent an approach to controlling space-time
gravity as well. This got me to thinking about how one could go about
forcing the E & M Field Gradients to be something other than their
response, which lead me to wondering what really happened during the
Philadelphia Experiment, which in turn lead me to your very interesting

Web site.

After reading your description of Scalar EM and Tom Bearden's work and
how they take into account waves traveling both forward and backwards
in time I began to get very excited, partly because I have long felt
that it was improper to simply discard half of the solution simply
because "everybody knows it can't be real" and partly because I began
to see strong parallels to some very interesting work that has
occurred in the field of Quantum Mechanics. It appears from your Web
site that you are not presently aware of this work, yet it seems to not

only support many of the concepts on your web site, but also extends
into the world of Quantum Mechanics and leads towards the development
of a
"Theory of Everything" that finally explains all of the mysteries of
ElectroMagnetics and Quantum Mechanics. My purpose in writing this
E-mail is to share these exciting concepts with you and any others whom

might be interested.

The information that I am about to share comes from an excellent book
by John Gribbin called "Schrodinger's Kittens and the Search for
Reality", 1995, Published by: Little, Brown and Company, Back Bay
Books. Dr. Gribbin is a superb science writer who specializes in
taking leading edge scientific topics and explaining them in an
interesting and entertaining way using common English and no math, so
that the lay person can understand it. This book is a sequel to his
earlier work "In Search of Schrodinger's Cat", which was also an
excellent book. It is not necessary to read the earlier book before
reading the sequel, but both of these books are MUST reading for anyone

that has an interest in these subjects. Now that I have given Dr.
appropriate credit, I hope that he won't mind if I quote a number of
passages from his book, so that you may understand why I believe it is
important to the topics discussed on your Web site and why you will
want to
get your own copy of this book.

Dr. Gribbin spends the first half of the book reviewing the general
background of the development of Quantum Mechanics and some of the
seemingly impossible concepts that have been forced upon us by
repeatable scientific experiments. His earlier work covers the
of Quantum Mechanics and the details of these seemingly impossible
experiments, which is not repeated in this book. I will briefly
just two of these famous experiments:

One experiment involves sending photons, one at a time, through a dual
slit apparatus to determine if a photon is a particle or a wave. The
results show that you get whatever you are looking for, that is, if the

apparatus is set up to detect wave interference then wave interference
you get (a single photon passes through both slits simultaneously). If
change the detector so that is set up to detect particles instead, then

particles are what you get (a single photon goes through one slit or
other, not both). It gets more interesting when you set up the
so that it can detect either a particle or a wave, but the decision on
which one it will look for is not made until AFTER the photon has
passed through the slits. That is, a switch is randomly activated that

puts the apparatus in either the particle or wave detection mode, but
switch is not thrown until AFTER the photon has already passed through
slits and has already been forced to make its' choice. The results are

that you still get whatever you are looking for, even though the
was not put into that mode until after the event. Somehow, the photon
"knows" what the state of the apparatus will be at some point in the
and adjusts itself accordingly, even though the that future decision
not yet made! This seems to imply that some type of communication is
occurring BACKWARDS in time!

The second experiment involves two photons emitted simultaneously from
atom in opposite directions. The state of the polarization of these
photons are linked, but undetermined, until one of them interacts with
something. To clarify, the state of their polarization is not simply
unknown, experiments have shown that the photon itself does not
"choose" a polarization state until it interacts with something.
However, when one of the photons interacts with something and "chooses"
polarization state, the other will instantaneously snap into the same

implies instantaneous action at a distance and some kind of
occurring faster than the speed of light! Conventional quantum
recognizes, but is unable to explain these phenomena.

Now we will proceed to Gribbin's explanation for these and other
phenomena. It starts with something called the "Wheeler-Feynman
theory" as it's base and then builds from there. Feynman was a
student working under Wheeler in 1940 and was trying to solve the
of why an electron experiences "radiation resistance". Radiation
resistance is an unexplained extra form of resistance above and beyond
that required to push an electron through a wire or the amount of
that radiates away as EM waves.

I will now began quoting numerous excerpts from Gribbin's book:
had a bright idea... He imagined a universe completely empty except
for a
single electron, and wondered whether it really could radiate any
electromagnetic energy at all. Perhaps, he suggested to Wheeler, you
to have a minimum of two electrons, one to emit the radiation and one
absorb it, before the radiation itself could exist... In this simple
form, the idea would not work. The basic problem was that there would
a time delay - photons would have to travel from the first electron to
second and back again before it noticed any resistance to it's

Wheeler and Feynman knew that Maxwell's equations are themselves
symmetric as far as time is concerned. When you solve the equations to

describe the way a wave propagates, you always get two answers, one
corresponding to a wave moving forward in time and the other a wave
backwards in time... Waves moving outwards from an electron, or a radio

antenna, are called 'retarded waves' because they arrive somewhere
they have been emitted. Waves traveling backwards in time are called
'advanced' waves, because they arrive somewhere before they have been

When an electron jiggles about it sends out both a retarded wave into
future and an advanced wave into the past. Wherever in the universe
space and time) this wave meets another electron, it makes the other
electron jiggle about. This jiggling means that the other electron
radiates, both into the future and into the past. The result is an
overlapping sea of interacting electromagnetic waves, filling the
universe, as the result of a single electron jiggling about. Most of
waves cancel out... But, some of those waves, from both past and
return to the original electron, and provide the resistance needed to
explain observations of the way electrons behave... None of the
waves survives in a form that would be detectable in any other way than

though this reaction, and all that we can 'see' are the familiar

The great beauty about this, though, is that as far as the original
electron is concerned the reaction is instantaneous. Some of it comes
a result of waves from the electron traveling into the future and
generating waves which travel back into the past to arrive at the right

time; some of it comes from waves that travel into the past and
waves which then travel back to the future... The Wheeler-Feynman idea

stands as the best explanation of why radiation resistance occurs
(today)... although you would never know it from the way that physics
taught in most colleges and universities...

Feynman's unsung insight suggested, more than half a century ago, that
behaviour of electromagnetic radiation, and the way in which it
with charged particles, could be explained by taking seriously the fact

that there are two sets of solutions to Maxwell's equations... One set
solutions, the 'common sense' solutions, describes waves moving outward

from an accelerated charged particle and forwards in time, like ripples

spreading from a point where a stone has been dropped into a pond. The

second set of solutions, largely ignored even today, describes waves
traveling backwards in time and converging onto charged particles, like

ripples that start from the edge of the pond and converge onto a point
the middle of the pond.

When proper allowance is made for both sets of waves interacting with
the charge particles in the universe, most of the complexity cancels
leaving only the familiar common-sense (or retarded) waves... But as a

result of all these interactions, each individual charged particle
-including each electron- is instantaneously aware of its position in
relation to all of the other charged particles in the universe. The
tangible influence of waves that travel backwards in time (the advanced

waves) is that they provide feedback which makes every charged particle
integrated part of the whole electromagnetic web. Poke an electron in
laboratory on Earth, and in principle every charged particle in, say,
Andromeda galaxy, more than two million light years away, immediately
what has happened...

The result of the feedback - the result of the fact that our electron
to be considered not in isolation but as part of a holistic
electromagnetic web filling the universe - is that the electron resists

our attempts to move it around, because of the influence of all those
charged particles in distant galaxies...

Now this explanation of why charged particles experience radiation
resistance is rather similar to another puzzle... Where does inertia
itself come from?...

One intriguing aspect of this discovery (F=MA) is that the mass which
comes into the (inertia) calculation is the same as the mass involved
gravity. It isn't immediately obvious that this should be so.
Gravitational mass determines the strength of the force which an object

extends out into the universe to tug at other objects; inertial mass,
it is called, determines the strength of the response of an object to
being pushed and pulled by outside forces... And they are the same.
'amount of matter' in an object determines both its influence on the
outside world, and its response to the outside world. This already
like feedback at work, a two-way process linking each object to the
universe at large...

By the 1960s, researchers had found that there are indeed only two
solutions that result from the complexity of overlapping and
waves... Such a system must end up dominated either by retarded
(like our universe) or by advanced radiation (equivalent to a universe
which time ran backward).

But all of this still applied only to electromagnetic radiation. The
giant leap taken by John Cramer was to extend these ideas to the wave
equation for quantum mechanics - the Schrodinger equation itself...

In order to apply the absorber-theory ideas to quantum mechanics, you
need an equation, like Maxwell's equations, which yields two solutions,

one equivalent to a positive energy wave flowing into the future, and
the other describing a negative energy wave flowing into the past. At
first sight, Schrodinger's famous wave equation doesn't fit the bill,
because it only describes a flow in one direction... (but) it does not
take account of the requirements of relativity theory. But the full
version of the wave equation, making proper allowance for relativistic
effects, is much more like Maxwell's equations. In particular, it has
two sets of solutions - one corresponding to the familiar simple
Schrodinger equations, and the other to a kind of mirror-image
Schrodinger equation describing the flow of negative energy in the

The probability calculations... depend on calculating the square... But

calculating the square of a complex variable... (requires the use of)
the complex conjugate, by changing the sign in front of the imaginary
part... The two complex numbers are then multiplied together to give
the probability. But for equations that describe how a system changes
as time passes, this process of changing the sign of the imaginary
part... is equivalent to reversing the direction of time!

...for some 70 years most physicist have largely ignored one of the two

sets of solutions because 'obviously' it didn't make sense to talk
about waves traveling backward in time!

The remarkable implication is that ever since 1926, ever time a
physicist has taken the complex conjugate... he or she has actually
been taking account of the advanced wave solution... without knowing
it. There is no problem at all with the mathematics of Cramer's
interpretation of quantum mechanics, because the mathematics, right
down to Schrodinger's equation is exactly the same as in the standard
Copenhagen Interpretation.